Page:Between Two Loves.djvu/97

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His appearance gave her a shock. Clothing is so much to a man, and Steve's was dusty and torn and shabby. He had lost entirely that air of a spruce, prosperous young workman which had set off so well his handsome face and trig slim figure, the tidy suit, the coarse but clean linen, the gay neckerchief tied loosely at the throat, with the ends flying out a little at each side.

"Sarah, my lass, how is ta? I'm glad to see thy face again."

"I'm well, Steve, and I'm glad to see thee. How is Joyce—and Charlotta Victoria?"

"They are badly, varry badly. I hev hed no work for three weeks. Thou knows what that means."

"I do that. But whatever is up with thee? Thou art still working at Chorley's, I hope."

"Na, but I'm not. He's a mean lot. Didn't ta hear he hed packed me off three weeks since?"

"No, I didn't Why did he do that, Steve?"

"I wish I'd taken thy advice and niver left Burley. Burley were always fair to me, and he knew when he'd got a master-hand, and didn't