Gruyére Cheese Sandwiches
Spread your buttered slices of bread very thinly with German Mustard and place between them thin slices of Gruyere (Ementhaler preferred) cheese. One layer of very thinly sliced dill pickle may be added if desired.
Fromage de Brie Sandwiches
Mix with the Fromage de Brie a soupçon of Coleman's English Mustard as prepared for the table. Spread on the buttered bread slices. Cut and make as usual.
These two sandwiches are much improved by using bread made from the genuine "Gluten Entire Wheat Flour."
Neufchatel Cheese Sandwiches
Take a package of imported Neufchatel cheese and mix well with it a tablespoonful of quince jelly. Spread quite thickly on the buttered bread slices,