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Ianuary hath xxxj. dayes.

The Moone xxx.

Sunne riſeth houre 8. mi. 4. Pſalmes. Morning
falleth 3. mi. 56.
1. Leſſon. 2. Leſſon. 1. Leſſon. 2. Leſſon.
1 i
2 ii
3 iii
4 iiii
5 v
6 vi
7 vii
8 viii
9 ix
10 x
11 xi
12 xii
13 xiii
14 xiiii
15 xv
16 xvi
17 xvii
18 xviii
19 xix
20 xx
21 xxi
22 xxii
23 xxiii
24 xxiiii
25 xxv
26 xxvi
27 xxvii
28 xxviii
29 xxix
30 xxx
31 xxx