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8 1x SS Eptuageſima Sexageſima Quinquageſima Quadrageſima before Eaſter - weekes. Ogations Whitſunday Trinitie Sunday after Eaſter weekes vij viij Theſe to be obſerued for Holy dayes, and none other. Hat is to ſay: Au Sun- Dayes in the yeere. The dayes of the feaſts of the Circumciſion of our Loid Jelus Chrilt. Dithe Epiphanie. Df the purification of the blelled Wirgin. Of Saint gatthias the Apofle. Df the Annunciation of the bleſſed Uirgin. Df Saint Marke the Euangelift. DS. Philip and Jacob the Apo- atles. Dithe Aſcenñon of our Loid Jeſus Chali. Df the spatiuity of Saint John Baptift. DE S.Peter the Apoſtle. DE S. James the Apoſtle. Df $.2Bartholomew the Apoſtle. DE S.Matchewthe Apottle. DES. Michael the Archangel. DE S. Luke the Euangeltit. DIS. Simon e Jude the Apoſtles. Dr All Saints DI S. Andrew the Apoftle. DIS. Thomas the Apoftle. Df the Natiuitie of our LOD. D$. Steuen the partyz. DFS.John the Euangelift. Dfthe Holy Innocents. Munday and Lueſday in Eaſter Weeke. Munday and Lueſday in whitfan Weeke. The