Page:Bible (Douay Rheims NT, 1582).djvu/37

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According to S. Matthew.

the ancient Fathers which for breuitie we omit. See (good Christian Reader) 12 notable sermons of S. Leo the Great de Quadragesima, of Lent: namely Ser. 6 and 9. where he calleth it the Apostles ordinance by the doctrine of the Holy-Ghost. See S. Ambrose from the 23. Sermon forward; in S. Bernard 7. sermons, and in many other Fathers the like. Last of al, note well the saying of S. Augustine, who affirmeth that by due obseruation thereof, the wicked be separated from the good, Infidels from Christians, Heretikes from faithful Catholikes.

6. It is written.] Heretikes alleage scriptures, as here the Deuil doth in the false sense; the Church vseth them, as Christ doth, in the true sense, and to confute their falsehood. Aug. cont. lit. Petil. li. 2. c. 51. to. 7.

11. Him only serue.] It was not sayd, saith S. Augustine, The Lord thy God only shalt thou adore, as it was said, Him only shalt thou serue; in Greeke, λατρεύσεις. Aug. sup. Gen. q. 61. Wherevpon the Catholike Churche hath alwayes vsed this most true & necessarie distinction, that there is an honour dew to God only, which to giue vnto any creature, were idolatrie; and there is an honour dew to creatures also according to their dignitie, as to Saints, holy things, and holy place. See Euseb. Hist. Ec. li. 4. c. 14. S. Hierom. cont. Vigil: ep. 53. Aug. li. 10. Ciuit. c. 1. li. 1. Trin. c. 6. Conc. Nic. 2. Damase. li. 1. de Imag. Bed. in 4. Luc.

17. Doe pennance.] That penance is necessarie also before Baptisme, for such as be of age; as Iohns, so our Sauiours preaching declareth, both beginning with penance.

23. Healing euery maladie.] Christ (saith S. Augustine) by miracles gat authoritie, by authoritie found credit, by credit drew together a multitude, by a multitude obtained antiquitie, by antiquitie fortified a Religion, which not only the most fond new rising of Heretikes vsing deceitful wiles, but neither the drowsie old errours of the very Heathen with violence setting against it, might in anie part shake and cast downe. Aug. de vtil. cred. c. 14.

Chap. V.

First, 3. he promiseth rewardes, 13 and he layeth before the Apostles their offices. 17. Secondly, he protesteth vnto vs that we must keep the commandements, and that more exactly then the Scribes & Pharisees, whose iustice was counted most perfit; but yet that it was vnsufficient, he sheweth in the precepts of 21. Murder, 27 Aduoutrie, 31. Diuorce, 33. Swearing, 38. Reuenge, 42. Vsurie, 43. Enemies.

AND seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountaine, and when he was set, his Disciples came vnto him 2and opening his mouth he taught them, saying.

3Blessed are the poore in Spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heauen. 4Blessed are the meek: for they shal possesse the land. 5Blessed are they that mourne: for they shal be comforted. 6Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after iustice: for they shal haue their fil. 7Blessed are the merciful: for they shal obtayne mercie. 8Blessed are the cleane of hart: for they shal see God. 9Blessed are the peace-makers: for they shal be called the children of
