words of benediction, and specially by promise of knowledge, light and libertie of the Ghospel, to seduce the simple and the sinful.
16. Fruits.] These are the fruits which Heretikes are knowen by, diuision from the whole Church, diuision among themselues, taking to themselues new names and new maisters, inconstancie in doctrine, disobedience both to others and namely to spiritual officers, loue and liking of themselues, pride and intolerable vanting of their owne knowledge aboue al the holy Doctours, corruption, falsification and quite denying of the parts of Scriptures that specially make agaynst them, and these be common to al Heretikes lightly. Othersome are more peculiar to these of our time, as Incestuous mariages of vowed persons, Spoile of Churches, Sacrilege and profanation of al holy things, and many other special points of doctrine, directly tending to the corruption of good life in al states.
21. Lord, Lord.] These men haue faith, otherwise they could not inuocate, Lord, Lord: Ro. 10. But here we see that to beleeue is not enough, and that not only infidelitie is sinne, as Luther teacheth. Yea Catholikes also that worke true miracles in the name of our Lord, and by neuer so great faith, yet without the workes of iustice shal not be saued. 1. Cor. 13. Againe, consider here who they are that haue so often in their mouth, The Lord, the Lord, and how litle it shal auaile them, that set so litle by good workes, and contemne Christian iustice.
Chap. VIII.
Immediatly after his Sermon (to confirme his doctrine with a miracle) he cureth a Leper. 5. But aboue him and al other Iewes, he commendeth the faith of the Centurion, who was a Gentil: and foretelleth by that occasion, the vocation of the Gentiles, and reprobation of the Iewes. 14. In Peters house he sheweth great grace. 18. In the way to the sea he speaketh with two, of folowing him: 23. and vpon the sea commandeth the tempest: 28. and beyond the sea he manifesteth the Deuils malice against man, in an heard of swine.
AND when he was come downe from the mountaine, great multitudes folowed him: 2And behold a Leper came and adored him saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane. 3And Iesvs stretching forth his hand, touched him, saying. I wil. Be thou made cleane. And forthwith, his leprosie was made cleane. 4And Iesvs saith to him: See thou tel no body: but go, shew thy self to the ″ Priest, & offer the ″ guift which Moyses commanded for a testimonie to them.
5And when he was entred into Capharnaum, there came to him a Centurion, beseeching him, 6and saying: Lord my boy lieth at home sick of the palsey, and is sore tormēted. 7And Iesvs saith to him, I wil come, and cure him. 8And the Centurion making answer, said: Lord, ″ I am not worthie that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe: but only say the word, & my boy shal be healed. 9For I also am a man subiect to authoritie, hauing vnder me souldiars; and I say to this, goe, and he goeth, and to an other, come, and he cometh; and to my seruant, doe this, and he doth it. 10And Iesvs hearing this, marueled: and sayd to them that folowed him: Amen I say to you, I haue not found so great faith in Israel. 11And I say to you, that many shal come from the East and West, and shal sit downe with Abraham, and Isaac, and Iacob in the Kingdom of Heauen: 12but the children of the Kingdom shal be cast out into the exteriour darkenesse: there shal be weeping