Page:Bible (Douay Rheims NT, 1582).djvu/572

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THAT Titus was a Gentile and not a Jew, and that he was in S. Paules traine, at the least the 14 yeare after his conversion, if not before, we vnderstand by the Epistle to the Galatians, c.2. And that he continued with him to the very end, appeareth in the second to Timothee, c.4. Where he maketh mention that he sent him from Rome into Dalmatia, when himself was shortly after to be put to death.

And therfore although S. Luke never name him in the Acts, as neither himself, yet no doubt he comprehendeth him commonly, when he speaketh thus in the first person plural: Forthwith we sought to goe into Macedonia. Act.16. For S. Paul also sent him to Corinth, between the writing of his 1. & 2. to the Corinthians (which time concurreth with Act.19) by occasion whereof he maketh much and honourable mention of him in the said second Epistle c.2. & c.7. and againe he sent him with the same Epistle: both times about great matters: so that no doubt he was euen then also a Bishop, and received accordingly of the Corinthians, with feare and trembling. 2.Cor.7.v.15. But the same is plainer in this Epistle to himself c.1.v.5 Where the Apostle saith: for this cause I left thee at Crete, &c. By which words it is manifest also, that this Epistle was not written during the storie of the Acts, (seeing that no mention is there of S. Paules being in the ole of Crete) but after his dismission at Rome out of his first trouble, and before his second or last trouble there, as is evident by these words: When I shal send to thee Artemus or Tychicus, make hast to come to me to Nicopolis, for there I haue determined to winter. Tit.3.

Therfore he instructeth him (and in him all Bishops) much like as he doth Timothee, what qualities he must require in them that shal make Priests and Bishops, in what sort to preach, and to teach all sorts of men, to commend good workes unto them: finally, himself to be their example in al goodnes.