Page:Bible (Douay Rheims NT, 1582).djvu/579

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5. Toward all the saints. ) The Apostle sticketh not to say, charitie and faith in Christ and al his Saints, which our captious Adversaries count in Catholike mens speahes and writings, very absurd, faining that in al such we make no difference betwixt the love we beare to Christ, and the love we owe to our neighbors: betwixt the trust or beleefe we have in God, and that which we have in his holy Saints. Malice and contention doth so blind all Heretikes.

hitlianJbelnfr , § 7 ™« d * hht )The Apoftlefticlceth not tofjy.Chariticandfaith in Cluiftana : in Sainci T alhu Sa,nls - wnIch 0urca P fl0U5 Aducrfauci count inCaiholikc mcpt fpeahcs ami *ri- tinei »cry abfurd , ftiiiing that in al fuch »c make no difference betwixt the loue we bearc toChrift, and the loue wc owe to our neighbours i betwixt the ttufl ot belecfcwchiuc in God.and chat whichwc tiauo in his holy Saints. Malice ami contention doth fo blind al Hcrctikct. THE ARGVMENT OF THE. EP.IST.LE.OF, S. P A V L TO TKI HiBREWEi. HAT thtJiebreweiWertnota! the IeWes ,bui only 4 pAH of them] it • isiuaoifefl^fi. 6. where the primitiue Church ofHierufalem ,j!tbeii'b < ^ itconfifltdcf lewesonly f at we read ^4 el. i. ytt isfaiJ toconfiflof 1XC0 * . forts , Greeks and HebrtWeuWhizb a^tinets mamfefl fhik J. wbae - IS. V aiil tor bsinfelf With the ludncal f*fc-jipoi~ltt 9 feitb t that • h an Hebrew or* Hcbrvves. Fhully,tbey feemeto be been thofe lewes which Wercbornemlnrie, which for the moft pjn dwelled alfothere.Tbei fore to theChritlsan J ewes m 1 1 ieruftlem and m the reft of I une , S. Vaul wrtteth this Epiflle , out of UJk ' Sp*% ,i,rr 'upon , The brethren of Italic falutc you. Heb. xyBy which words , mi by theft oilier in the fame place, Knowyc our brother Timothcc ro be difniiflcd, . with whom ( if he come the (boner ) I wii fee you , it is euident t tkti he Wrot this, ■ notonly after ht was brought pnfoner to rmm 9 wlmein in 5, Luke ettdcth the utiles of the Apofllcs , bat alfo after he Wat fet at libettie there agime. „ S . may Canfes areoinen of the Doelourt, why Writ in* to the lewes , be (loth not put bit name vi tbt Legnnin*, P.udau Apoftlc, &c. Ashe dothli<l>tly mbis Epiflles tvthe Churcbts and Bishops of the Gentdt. The mtfl lielycanft is , fcrtharU UfcOthc Prca- x7 ; m chcrand ApoftlcandMairtcrofthcGcntils. Jutldgdhth another pUccbt faith, j". that htmftlfwat appointed the ji^Uleof tbeGcnti't , «f/ Tettroftbt lewes. Gal. 1. t^TSmi Only s . Veter thetfort writin* to the lewa , doth ift this flile -Peter .m Apoftlc of ^ f . 1 II S V S Chrifl kcf*[i ht W-ti mne peculiarly their jtpolHe, it btitt^ the fit** la «  - .... . g