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Page:Bible (Douay Rheims NT, 1582).djvu/666

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6. From the beginning. ) This is the Rule of a Christian Catholic man, to walke in that faith and worship of God which he hath received from the beginning. Which is that which we now cal according to the Scriptures, the tradition of the Apostles: that which is come to us from man to man, from Bishop to Bishop, and so from the Apostles. So shal a faithful man avoid seducers, that rise up in every Age, teaching new doctrine.

10. This doctrine. ) The Apostles, and true Pastours are their lawful Successours, and the Church of God in holy Councel, use to set down the true doctrine in those points which Heretikes cal into controversie. Which being once done and declared to the faithful, they need no other marke or description to know an Heretike or false Teacher by, but that he commeth with another doctrine than that which is set downe to them. Neither can the Heretikes shift themselves, as now a-daies they would doe, saying, O let us first be proved Heretikes by the Scriptures, let them define an Heretike. No, this is not the Apostles rule. Many a good honest shepheard knoweth a woolfe that can not define him. But the Apostle saith, If he bring not this set doctrine, he is a seducer. So holy Church saith now, Christ is really in the B. Sacrament, under forme of bread and wine, &c. If therfore he bring not this doctrine, he is a seducer, and an Heretike, and we must avoid him, whether in his owne definitions and censures he seeme to himself a Heretike or no.

10. Receive him not. ) Though in such times and places where the communitie or most part be infected, necessitie often forceth the faithful to converse with such in worldly affaires, to salute them, to care and speake with them, & the Church by decree of Councel, for the more quietnes of timorous consciences provideth, that they incurre not excommunication or other censures for communicating in worldly affaires with any in this kind, except they be by name excommunicated or declared to be Heretikes: yet even in worldly conversation and secular acts of our life, we must avoid them as much as we may, because their familiaritie is many waies contagious and noisome to good men, namely to the simple: but in matter of religion, in praying, reading their bookes, hearing their sermons, presence at their service, partaking of their Sacraments, and al other communicating with them in spiritual things, it is a great damnable sinne to deale with them.

10. Nor say, God save you. ) S. Irenæus (li.3.c.3.) reporteth a notable storie of this holy Apostle touching this point, out of S. Polycarpus, which is this. There be some, (saith he) that have heard Polycarpe say, that when John the disciple of our Lord was going to Ephesus, into a bath, to wash himself, and saw Cerinthus the heretic within the same, he suddenly skipt out, saying that he feared lest the bath should fal, because Cerinthus the enemy of truth was within. So saith he of S. John, and addeth also a like worthie example of S. Polycarpus himself: who on a time meeting Marcion the Heretike, and the said Marcion calling upon him and asking him whether he knew him not: Yes, quoth Polycarpe, I know thee for Satans sonne and heire. So great feare (saith S. Ireneus) had the Apostles & their disciples to communicate in word only, with such as were adulterers or corrupters of the truth: as S. Paul also warned, when he said, A man that is a Heretike, after the first and second admonition avoid. So sarre Irenæus. If then, to speake with them or salute them, is so earnestly to be avoided according to this Apostles example & doctrine: what a sinne is it to flatter them, to serve them, to marrie with them, and so forth?