Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1092

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of men? why hast thou sette me contrarie to thee, and I am become burdenous to my self? 21Why doest thou not take away my sinne, and why doest thou not take away mine iniquitie? Behold now I shal sleepe in the dust: and if thou seeke me in the morning, I shal not be.

Chap. VIII.

Baldad chargeth Iob to haue spoken, vniustly exhorting him to turne to God, and so he shal prosper better then heretofore. 13. showing that hypocrites shal not prosper, 20. inferreth (falsly) that God afflicteth not the sincere, nor helpeth the malignant.

BVt Baldad the Suhite answering, sayd: ∷[1] 2How long wilt thou speake such thinges, and shal the spirit of the word of thy mouth be multiplied? 3Why doth God supplant iugement? or doth the Omnipotent subuert that which is iust? 4Although thy children haue sinned to him, and he hath leaft them in the hand of their iniquitie: 5Yet if thou wilt arise early to God, and wilt besech the Omnipotent: 6If thou wilt walke cleane & vpright, he wil forthwith awake vnto thee, and wil make the habitation of thy iustice peaceable: 7In so much, that if thy former thinges haue bene litle, thy later thinges may be multipled excedingly. 8For aske the old generation, and search diligently the memorie of the fathers. 9(For we are but as yesterday, and are ignorant ∷[2] that our daies vpon the earth are as a shadow.) 10And they shal teach thee: they shal speake to thee, and from their hart shal vtter wordes. 11Can the rush be greene without moysture? or a seggie place grow without water? 12When it is yet in his flowre, and is not plucked with the hand, it witereth before al hearbes: 13Euen so the waies of al, that forget God, and the hope of the hypocrite shal perish: 14His folie shal not please him, and his confidence as the spiders webbe. 15He shal leane vpon his house, and it shal not stand: he shal stay it vp, and it shal not rise: 16He semeth moystened before the sunne come, and in his rising his blossome shal goe forth. 17Vpon a heape of rockes his rootes shal be thicke, and among stones he shal abide. 18If he swallow him vp out of his place, he wil denie him, & wil say: I know thee not. 19For this is the ioy of of his way, that others may spring againe of the earth. 20God wil not reiect the simple, nor reach his hand to the malignant. 21Vntil thy mouth be filled with laughter, and

thy lippes

  1. The second conflict. This second disputer charged Iob to be obstinate who indede was constant in a true setled iudgement.
  2. Euen thus heretikes imagine Catholikes to the ignorant, and therfore fil their mouthes and bookes with thinges that are not denied, and yet inferre much falshood sophistically applying one truth against an other being themselues ignorāt how to reconcile difficulties.