Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1096

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of Iob.

quity he not cōsider? 12A vaine man is extolled into pride, and thinketh him self borne free as a wilde asses colt. 13But thou hast confirmed thy hart, & hast spred thy handes to him. 14If thou shalt take away from thee the iniquitie ∷[1] that is in thy hand, and iniustice remaine not in thy tabernacle: 15Then mayst thou lift vp thy face wthout spotte, and thou shalt, be stable, and shalt not feare. 16Thou shalt also forget miserie, and shalt remember it as waters that are passed. 17And the brightnes as it were of noone daies, shal arise to thee at euening: and when thou shalt think thyself consumed, thou shalt rise as the day starre. 18And thou shalt haue confidence, hope being set before thee, and buried thou shalt sleepe secure. 19Thou shalt rest, and there shal be none to terrifie thee: and verie manie shal besech thy face. 20But the eies of the impious shal decay, and escape shal faile them, and their hope the abomination of the soule.

Chap. XII.

Iob sheweth the knowlege, which his freinds much boast of, to be the common knowne doctrin of Gods seruantes. He more truly, and more profoundly discourseth of Gods powre and wisdome, stil defending his owne innocencie in respect of great sinnes.

BVt Iob answering, sayd: 2Are you then men alone, & shal wisedome die with you? 3I also haue a hart euen as you, neither am I inferiour to you: for who is ignorāt of these thinges, which you know? 4He that is mocked of his frend as I, shal inuocate God & he wil heare him: for the ∷[2] simplicitie of the iust man is scorned. 5The lampe contemned in the cogitations of the riche, is prepared to the time appointed. 6The tabernacles of robbers abound, & they prouoke God bouldly, wheras he hath geuen al thinges into their handes. 7For aske the beastes, and they shal teach thee: and the foules of the ayre, and they shal tel thee. 8Speake to the earth, and it shal answer thee, and the fishes of the sea shal tel. 9Who is ignorant that the hand of our Lord hath made al these things? 10In whose hand is the soule of euerie liuing thing, and the spirit of al the flesh of man. 11Doth not the eare discerne wordes, and the iawes of him that eateth, the tast? 12In the ancientes is wisedom, and in long time prudence. 13With him is wisedom and strength, he hath counsel and vnderstanding. 14If he shal destroy, there is no man that can build: if he shut vp a


  1. He could not iustly confesse iniquitie which he had not cōmitted.
  2. God suffereth his simple true meaning seruantes to be scorned for the time, but afterward the wicked shal be forced to confesse, that those whom they derided are worthily in honour before God sap. 5. v. 3