Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1108

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of Iob.

were taken away before their time, and a floud hath ouerthrowen their foundation: 17Who sayd to God: Depart from vs: and as though the Omnipotent could do nothing, they estemed him: 18Whereas he had filled their houses with good things, whose sentence be far from me. 19The iust shal see, and shal reioyse, and the innocent man shal skorne them. 20Is not their exaltation cut downe, and hath not fire deuoured the remnantes of them? 21Agree thou therfore to him, and haue peace: and by these thinges thou shalt haue the best fruites. 22Receiue the law of his mouth, and put his wordes in thy hart. 23If thou wilt returne to the Omnipotent, thou shalt be builded vp, and shalt make iniquitie far from thy tabernacle. 24He shal geue for earth flint, and for flint torrentes of gold. 25And the Omnipotent shal be agaynst thine enemies, & siluer shal be heaped together vnto thee. 26Then shalt thou abound in delightes vpon the Omnipoten, and shalt lift vp thy face to God. 27Thou shalt aske him, and he wil heare thee, and thou shal pay thy vowes. 28Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shal come to thee, and light shal shine in thy waies 29For who wil be humbled, shal be in glorie: and he that wil bow downe his eies, he shal be saued. 30The innocent shal be saued, but he shal be saued in the cleannesse of his handes.

Chap. XXIII.

Iob expecteth helpe and sentence of God, 6. with iust feare, yet with good conscience maintaineth his owne innocencie.

BVt Iob answering, sayd: ∷[1] 2Now also my talke is in bitternesse, and the hand of my plague is aggrauated vpon my mourning. 3Who wil grant me that I may know and find him, and come euen to ∷[2] his throne? 4I wil set iudgement before him, and wil fil my mouth with accusations. 5That I may know the wordes, that he wil answer me, and vnderstand what he wil speake to me. 6I wil not that he contend with me with much strength, nor that he oppresse me with the weight of his greatnes. 7Let him propose equitie against me, and my iudgement shal come to victorie. 8If I shal goe to the East, he appeareth not: if to the West, I shal not vnderstand him. 9If to the left hand; what shal I doe? I shal not apprehend him: if I turne my self to the right hand, I shal not see him. 10But he knoweth my way, & hath proued

me as

  1. Whiles he expected some comforth of his freindes, the stil afflicted him more and more, chargeing him with false crimes and so aggravating his grief both of bodie and mind.
  2. Therefore he appealeth to Gods iudgement seate for sentence.