produce such a race thus low in the scale of human existence, and at the same time foreseeing their character and consequent condition on the earth, is more than can be known by human research, and, of necessity, is therefore none of our business. It might as well be inquired, why God made the world at all and peopled it by the two first of our race, seeing he foresaw all they would do in opposition to his will and benevolent designs. Such inquiries are probably beyond our depth of investigation, while facts are not thus hidden from us, and one of the great facts of God's jurisprudence among men appears to be the judicial appointment of the black race to slavery.
Here it is proper for us to state, that many persons, with all abolitionists, believe that what Noah said on that occasion was merely prophetic and not judicial. If prophetic merely, then it would follow that the slavery of the negro race was by Noah foretold, the same as other wicked acts of men were foretold by the prophets, but not, therefore, sanctioned by the Holy Spirit. This view of theirs, however, will not bear thus to be softened down, on account of the fearful word "cursed," which raises it above the ordinary foresight of the prophets, respecting the wicked acts of men, and makes it a direct decree.
It is written in the Scriptures, "cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree," Gal. iii, 13, and "cursed is every one who loveth not the Lord Jesus Christ." Are not these recorded as judicial, and, on account of the word cursed, amount to far more than a mere prophesy?
So, also, as relates to the announcement of Noah,