and Chaldeans, all of the race of Shem and Abraham, had begun to mingle with them: so that by the time of Saul, David, and Solomon, the character of Egypt in relation to enterprise, had become vastly changed from her ancient stupidity; from whence we date what may be denominated the architectural age of Egypt.
At a very early period, thousands of the Ishmaelite race settled in Africa, by invasion, along the head waters of the Nile, in Ethiopia, mingling more and more through Egypt, down toward the mouths of that river; this is a matter of history. Watson, 282. This is evident also from the mummies brought from that country, which were doubtless embalmed as long ago as in the days of David and Solomon, and perhaps as far back as when the Hebrews were in Egypt; all of which, except now and then one, are not of the negro race, but of a red or copper colored people, with long straight hair, and other characteristics not belonging to the genuine Cushite, or race of Ham.
From this circumstance, it is shown that the ruling people of Egypt, in those ages, were not the native negroes, as none but the more wealthy were able to bear the expense of embalming their dead. "That a rare (says Professor Lawrence, p. 294) ever devoted, within the period embraced by authentic history, to slavery, or to an existence not much better, and possessing, under the most favorable circumstances, only the rudiments of the common arts, and the most imperfect social institutions, should have occupied, in remotest antiquity, undertakings which astonish us