Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/262

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business lasts, it is, therefore, with trembling steps, that any one crosses the king's threshold; and when compelled to do so, they rush along with the utmost speed (as if they were passing the gates of hell), dreading every moment the murderous grasp, from which there is no escape."

Here there was a sacrifice of two thousand four hundred lives of slaves, in the short space of three months. At such a rate as that, a custom of this description would, in a century, during the reign of, say but four kings, allowing them an average reign of twenty-five years, destroy the lives of two hundred and forty thousand slaves, as it is the slave of the Ashantees who have thus to suffer. Is American slavery any thing like this, as now extant in the negro's own happy land, as abolitionists would have men believe it is?

What other people but this race, the Hamites, have been found on the earth since the creation of man, who are so foolish and cruel, when they have power and opportunity? Had there been no other race created on the earth, long ago the whole world would have been but one great slaughter-house, in which no light of science, religion, government, or the useful arts, would ever have been heard of; as all these blessings are of other origin than the negro man.

As it was then, in the ages of Carthage, so it is now, and ever has been thus: the negro, when in power, plays the tiger, glorying in deeds of blood and terror; but when in subjection, he cringes with stupid fear, yielding his neck easily to the yoke and condition of slavery. If Hannibal was a great general, or rather