Page:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu/290

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of the ancient Romans, whose history is well known to the world.

Thus we see, how immense were the countries of the white race, as well as the greatness of their power. Alexander the Great was a Greek, and a white man, who conquered, as it is said, the world, and wept because there was nothing more to conquer.

By this view, we see that God carried forward, in the very first ages, the fortunes of Japheth, in that of his race, to great power, as he had said by the mouth of Noah should be accomplished; which was, that he would enlarge Japheth, until he should dwell in the tents of Shem, and hold the descendants of Ham as slaves (Gen. ix, 27, where both these events are foretold and decreed).

But, before we proceed further to show the fulfillment of Noah's prophesy, in relation to Ham's race being enslaved by the whites of Japheth's progeny, and of his dwelling in the tents or countries of Shem, we shall indulge our pen in giving some probable account of Noah and Shem, after the annunciation of the decrees respecting all Noah's sons during their lives. There can be no doubt but Noah remained where he first settled, after leaving the place of the resting of the ark, on account of his great age, and the improvements made there on his first plantation, by the aid of his sons and grandsons, before they began to leave the paternal home, for the sake of their respective families.

That Noah became a farmer, is shown by a remark of Moses, Gen. ix, 20, who there says that Noah began to be a husbandman. Here it was, not far from