Page:Biblical Libraries (Richardson).djvu/298

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on Tello in Heuzey's article in the Revue d'Assyriologie v. 3 (1894), 65-8 on Sippara in Scheil's Une Saison de Fouilles and on Nippur in Peter's Nippur and the various publications of the University of Pennsylvania Expedition, including Hilprecht's book mentioned above and various excellent little monographs by Fischer.

The best material on Nineveh is Bezold's British Museum catalogue and his admirable paleographical description of its contents in the Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 21 (1904) 257-77.

After the ancient records of Breasted, the best gleaning for Egyptian libraries is from the archaeological works on the Ramesseum, Denderah and Edfu, in the light of Brugsch's article in the Zeitschrift f. aegyptol. and Herodotus account of the library of King Osymandyas (text given in Edwards). To this may be added the works on the Temple at Karnak, although the so-called library of Thutmose III refers to his wall inscriptions only, and there is no evidence, save slight analogies, for supposing the neighboring rooms to be the place where the books were kept. For Graeco-Roman times, the best sources are the references
