Page:Biblical Libraries (Richardson).djvu/302

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For early Hebrew and Jewish times the chief source is the Old Testament and the chief literature the critical introductions, beginning of course with the Bible dictionaries of Cheyne, Hastings and Orr (announced).

For Persia, Jackson's Persia Past and Present (1906) is an admirable help, for first use and for what it covers, with excellent references and extended quotations. The great archaeological works on Susa Persepolis, etc., are helps to interpretation.

Coming to the Greek period the reference sources become many and good. The articles in Pauly-Wissowa on Archive and Bibliotheken both by Dziatzko, are packed with references and information. The references of the Britannica and Clark are useful as select references out of overwhelming material. The relevant paragraphs of Birt (Buchrolle pp. 244-55), Antikes Buchwesen pp. 360-5) are full of instructive material. The various handbooks to ancient Athens are all useful and among these Harrison and Verrall, with its restrained, but pertinent, references is perhaps most so.

What little is known of the earlier Alexandrian Libraries is well covered in Clark and in the other general histories. Perga-
