Page:Biblical Libraries (Richardson).djvu/40

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for Ashurbanapal's collection we have no right to apply" to anything but one just like it and "the term library" should be restricted to the collection made by Ashurbanapal.

A library then "in the proper and ordinary sense of the term" or "in the sense in which that term is ordinarily understood" (by Assyriologists) is very big, wholly literary, gathered from various geographical sources, not associated with schools. No such library is known save that of Ashurbanapal and no other is likely save for Babylon - (Marduk temple) and perhaps Borsippa (Nebo temple).

The negative or polemical "conclusions to be drawn from the data available" are that "the term 'Library' should be restricted to the collection made by Ashurbanapal" or "at all events, a promiscuous use of the term Temple Library to describe the contents of the temple ar-
