Page:Biblical Libraries (Richardson).djvu/92

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Another interesting touch is where the king speaks of enlarging monuments "as a record of the future" which recalls the two motives of record keeping; the utilitarian refreshing of contemporary memory and the preserving for posterity.

If the Khabiri who entered Palestine soon after 1400 B.C. were the Hebrews of the Exodus as many now think (cf. Hall pp. 403-8), and the forty-year periods are "serious figures" then it was in this reign of Thutmose III that Moses and Aaron, the Hebrew scribes under the Egyptian taskmasters and all the scribal judges of the Exodus flourished. They were in short trained in the school of Senmuth, Rekhmire, and Thaneni, and were, in fact, among Rekhmire's officers and trained in the record-keeping methods of that time.

And if, on the other hand, the Exodus was in the time Rameses II or Menerptha, as the date of the cities excavated by
