Page:Big Picture- The WAC is a Soldier, Too.ogv/11

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Today's ceremony has special significance, not alone for the Women's Army Corps, but for all of us. It emphasized the essential need for women in the Army, and the continuing nature of that need. The task of keeping our Nation strong and free requires the efforts and talents of all our citizens, men and women alike. For despite all our great natural resources and our industrial and military capabilities, one of our Nation's greatest shortages is in personnel, in the men and women who produce our industrial products and those who make up our armed services. Despite all our achievements in the field of National Defense, men and women, and the principles for which they stand, are still our most precious possession and our most priceless resource.

I take great pleasure now in unveiling this plaque, which later will be placed in a permanent location to commemorate this auspicious occasion. And again, I want to acknowledge my sense of privilege in being permitted to participate here with you today.