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I stood here in my happy days,
And every thing was fair;
I stand now in my altered mood,
And marvel what they were.
Fair Tivoli, to me the scene
No longer is what it has been.

There is a change come o'er thy hills,
A shadow o'er thy sky;
The shadow is from my own heart,
The change in my own eye:
It is our feelings give their tone
To whatsoe'er we gaze upon.

Back to the stirring world again,
Its tumult and its toil;
Better to tread the roughest path,
Than such a haunted soil:
Oh! wherefore should I break the sleep
Of thoughts whose waking is to weep.

Yes, thou art lovely, but alas!
Not lovely as of yore,
And of thy beauty I but ask;
To look on it no more.
Earth does not hold a spot for me
So sad as thou, fair Tivoli.