Page:Biographia Hibernica volume 2.djvu/136

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132 FITZGIBBON. degree monopolized by a few eminent barristers. The talents, industry, and indefatigable perseverance, however, of Mr. Fitzgibbon, speedily brought him into notice, as, in the course of a few years, his practice was nearly as extensive as the most successful of his competitors, and was of that lucrative kind, that he realized a property of upwards of 6000l. per annum. Lord Clare was the only son of the above, and was always destined by his father for that profession, of which he afterwards became so distinguished a member: with this view, he was early entered of the University of Dublin; and in that seminary he was contemporary with Flood, Grattan, and Foster, Speaker of the Commons in the last Irish parliament. After remaining the usual time at the University, he entered, and regularly kept his terms at the Temple, from which (although still of an early age) he was called to the Irish bar. In this situation he commenced his career, with advan tages enjoyed by few, paternal reputation, favourable character, and the possession of an affluent independence, which, in the instance of Lord Clare, and highly to his honour be it recorded, did not produce that too frequent effect of indolent apathy on his youthful mind. His professional exertions and success were such as might reasonably have been expected from him. Shortly after the general election, in 1776, he obtained by means of his professional endeavours in behalf of i t s political independence, a seat i n parliament for the Uni versity o f Dublin. The validity o f the return o f Mr. Richard Hely Hutchinson, a s representative o f the Uni versity o f Dublin, was tried before a committee o f the House o f Commons, i n the month o f February 1777, the ability and zeal o f Mr. Fitzgibbon, who acted a s counsel o n the part o f those who were desirous t o preserve the purity o f college elections, were o n this occasion conspi cuous and triumphant. And i n the following month h e received from the University the honourable reward o f his services; being elected i n the room o f Mr. Hutchin