Page:Biographia Hibernica volume 2.djvu/363

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KIRWAN. S59 The latter years of his life were devoted almost exclu sively to theology; and his opinions on many subjects were as varied and fanciful as can be imagined. His con versation, however, was still much diversified and highly amusing, from the variety and extent of his knowledge. Miss Owenson visited him very frequently; and even in the midst of his theological pursuits, he was always ready to canvass the merits of a romance, or to discuss the che mical composition of a new cosmetic, which latter is said very frequently to have formed the subject of their con Versations. He died in Dublin, June 22, 1812, much lamented by his scientific countrymen. A Mineralogical Society, instituted some years since in Dublin, has been called The Kirwanian Society. THE REv. WALTER BLAKE KIRWAN, The celebrated preacher, was descended from an ancient and respectable Catholic family in the county of Galway. He was born in 1754, in the shire town of that county, educated in the religion of his ancestors, and early destined by his parents to the church. For this purpose, he was sent to the college of English Jesuits at St. Omer's, for there was not at that time, nor for above forty years after wards, any Catholic college in Ireland; and a professional education at Trinity College, Dublin, even had it not been repugnant to his religious principles, was imprac ticable; as Catholics were not allowed to graduate without taking certain oaths inconsistent with the tenets of their church. It appears, that at a very early age Mr. Kirwan changed his views towards the church, or was persuaded by his friends to adopt more worldly and lucrative pursuits: for he embarked at the age of seven teen for the Danish island of St. Croix, in the West Indies, under the auspices of a near relative of his father, who owned extensive possessions in that island; but after six years spent in a climate highly pernicious to his consti