Page:Biographia Hibernica volume 2.djvu/60

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56 DAWYS. and then parish priest of Castlelions, in an anonymous pamphlet printed at Cork, entitled, “An Answer to a Book, entitled the truly Catholick and Old Religion; by a Divine of the Roman Catholic Church,” Antwerp, 1716; to which our author replied in a quarto pamphlet, printed at Dublin in 1717. O'Brien, however, once more returned to the charge, and produced another pamphlet under the appalling title, “Goliath beheaded with his own Sword; or, an Answer to the Reply, &c.” to which Dr. Davis (not having had enough of the controversy,) replied in a quarto pamphlet, o f , “Remarks o n a Pamphlet, entitled Go liath, &c. &c. He also published two occasional sermons, one o n the 30th o f Jan. 1716, entitled, “ Christian Loyalty;” and the other, a charity sermon, published i n Dublin, i n 8vo. in 1717. MARY DAVYS, An authoress o f novels, plays, poems, and “Familiar Letters;” was a native o f Ireland, and was married t o a clergyman whom she survived. After his decease, she kept a coffee-house a t Cambridge, where she died. She was a correspondent o f the celebrated Dean Swift; and thirty-six letters from him t o her and her husband, were a few years ago i n the hands o f Doctor Ewen, o f Cam bridge. She wrote two comedies, 1 , entitled, “The North ern Heiress;” 2 , “Self Rival;” and a l l her various pro ductions are published i n two 8vo. volumes, under the title o f “The Works o f Mrs. Davys,” 1725. ties during the space o f nine years. He then returned t o his native country, where h e arrived i n 1715, and was made parish priest o f Castlelions; after which period nothing i s known o f him. Besides the controversial pamphlets already mentioned, h e was author o f a Jubilee Sermon, preached i n the year 1721, but not published t i l l the year 1725.