Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/141

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This poet was contemporary with the foreging, and was like him a great grammarian of the Telugu dialect: he wrote a work on prosody, entitled Kavi Gajan Kusa Chandasu, which by degrees came in good repute; Bhyrava Kavi did not seek any public employment, but spent his time in retirement, and died much respected for his excellent private character.


This poet was a disciple of Sri Rama, and was an inhabitant of the country, near the Kristna River; by constantly reading the Ramayana he imbibed a taste for poetry. He translated the Ramayana from Sanscrit, into Telugu which work was held in high estimation.


The account that has been handed down by traditionary records of this poet, assign to him virtues that elevate him to a rank, equal to a demi-god: he was born at Vemula Vada, in the province of Veligandi, his mother was a