Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/43

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or confirmer of true tenets. Sankarachari made mother tour to the northern countries, and established the God Pasupateswar in the Nepaul Country thence he went to Kamarupa, in Assam, where he planted an image of the goddess Kamakshi and leaving this place, proceeded to Revalaya, a mountain in which place he erected a lingum and called it Revalayeswar; after this he went to Badararikedar, on the declivity of what is called, the Snowy Mountain: in this place he completed his theological works, and delivering them to his disciples, directed that they should he published. The last accounts we have of this Hindu legislature, inform us, that he went to the country of Yavans, or Greeks,and that he never returned. As no authentic narration of his death has been given,many pious Hindus believe that he is still in existence. His pupils Padmapadachari and Hastamalkachari returned to Sringeri, where they published the works of their master, still extant: these pious -men spent the remainder of their lives in abstract, devotions, and died at the above-named place. Their descendants have exercised supreme jurisdiction in ecclesiastical matters till this very day.