Page:Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets.djvu/83

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the Sanscrit dialect, and a few in the Canada language. He had many scholars, whom he instructed in the rules of prosody and the students of Kalyanadrug, Royadrug, Gutti, Ratnagiri, Madyagiri, and Nanganagod hearing the fame of his abilities, came under his tuition, and it is said, that in a short time they became proficient from the able lessons he gave them, and were soon enabled to compose books themselves. The poet in question wrote on various subjects till the last hour of his life, and his works are numerously dispersed in the southern and western quarter of the peninsula. Lakshmenaraya died in the sixty first year of his age, at Magodi, and bequeathed his library to Ms son Surappa.


This poet was a Vistnava bramin, and native of Arasanifala-Agrahara, which is situated between the rivers Baha and Payaswini, in the province of Tundira Mandalam, otherwise called Kanchi Mandalam: this bard was of illustrious descent, for his father Raghunaddichet was a priest of high rank and reputation, and author of