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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/142

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MUZIANO— NATALI. Ill the better style of the Roman School, of excellent arrangement, and his heads are dignified and expressive. His master -piece, the Besurrection of Lazarus, sometime in Santa Maria Mi^giore, is now lost : that formerly of the Orleans collection, appears to have been a different picture; this was a fayourite subject with him. His works were numerous in Bome ; and he exe- cuted in oil a Besurrection of Lazarus (1556), and a Sancta Veronica for the cathedral of Orvieto ( noticed by Yasari ) , and others for Foligno and Loreto. Muziano painted many portraits ; and he completed the drawings of the bas- reliefs of the Tngan column, com- menced by Giulio Bomano, and after- wards engraved by Villamena. He was chiefly instrumental in establishing the Academy of St. Luke at Bome : he was also an architect : he was employed by Oregory XIII. in the Vatican, where he built the Capella Gregoriana ; and the perfection of the Boman Mosaics is due much to the labours of Muziano. Works, Bome, Santa Maria degli Angeli St. Jerome Preaching in the Desert ; and Christ giving the Keys to Peter. The Gesil^ the Circumcision. Bologna, Academy, St. Jerome in the Desert. Dresden, Gallery, St. Francis, in a landscape. Bheims, cathedral, Christ washing the Disciples' Feet. Louvre, the Baising of Lazarus (from San Luigi dei Francesi at Bome), and the Incredulity of St. Thomas. {^Bag- lione,) NALDINI, Battista, b, at Florence 1536 ; d, about 1600. Tuscan School. He studied under Jacopo da Pontormo, and Angelo Bronzino, and painted at Florence in the Palazzo Vecchio, in conjunction with Vasari, with whom he remained fourteen years. Lanzi finds fault with the somewhat closing and a fierceness of expression of the eyes of Naldini's figures: his drawing and colouring were generally good. Works. Bome, Trinitii de' Monti, the Baptism of Christ, and subjects from the life of John the Baptist, in fresco: San Giovanni Decollate, the Martyrdom of St. John the Evangelist, in oil. Florence, Santa Maria Novella, the Deposition from the Cross, and the Purification. {Borghinif Baldinucci,) NANNL [Udinb, da.] NASELLI, Francesco, d. about 1680. A Ferrarese nobleman. He studied and copied the works of the Carracci, Guide, and Guerdno, and be- came an able follower of the Bolognese School. < Works. Ferrara, in the cathedral, the Nativity: Santa Maria de' Servi, the Last Supper : San Francesco, the Assumption of the Virgin. {Lamu) NASINI, Cav. Giuseppe, h. 1664, d. 1736. Sienese School. A scholar of Ciro Ferri. He painted at Bome some extensive works in fresco, as the cupola of the chapel of Saint Antonio, in the church of the Apostles. Siena also contains many of his works of various degrees of merit. One of his best is considered San Leonardo, in the Madonna del Pianto at Foligno. Nasini belonged to the school of Macchinisti; bold and able, but inva- riably working with an undisciplined pencil. {Lanzi.) NATALI, Giuseppe, h. at Casal Maggiore, near Cremona, 1652; d. 1722. Lombard School. He studied some time at Bome and at Bologna, where he was attracted by the archi- tectural and ornamental works of Dentone, Colonna, and Mitelli, and be- came an ornamental painter of great distinction in Cremona and Lombardy generally : he also painted landscapes. His three brothers, Francesco, Lorenzo, and Pietro were his pupils and assist- ants. There were many other painters