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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/182

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ROSA— BOSALBA CARHIEILL 151 excelled in pictures on a small scale, thoagh he constantly painted larger ones. It is said, by a yague and apparently recent tradition, that he lived in his early yoath some time among the ban- ditti who infested the wilds of the Abrozzi and Lower Italy. Also that he joined, in 1647, during a visit to Naples, the Gompagnia della Morte, of which his former master, Aniello, was the head, and that he took part in the insurrection of Masaniello, whose por- trait Salvator certainly painted, appa- rently several times, according to Do- minici, bat smaller than life. The story about the banditti appears to be ft pore fable, it is not even alluded to by Passeri, Baldinucd, or Bominici ; nor is any time whatever allowed for it. The sketches made by Salvator before his visit to Rome in 1638 seem to have been all taken from the imme- diate vicinity of Naples : he used to sell these sketches to the Neapolitan pic- tore- dealers for a few pence. He lived towards the close of his life nine years in Florence. He has etched some fine plates. Salvator Rosa had many enemies, especially the party of Bernini and the Academicians, due chiefly to his independent and satirical character; though his 'Satires were not published during his life-time, he made them sufficiently known; they were written chiefly at Yiterbo, in the latter portion of his career; they are on Music, Poetry, Painting, War, Baby- lon, and Knvy. These Satires were first published in 1719, nearly fifty years after his death : a handsome edi- tion, with a Life of Salvator, was pub- lished at Florence, in 1833, 8vo. pp. 383. Work$, Naples, Studj Gallery, seve- ral historical and other works ; Christ disputing with the Doctors ; &c. Flo- rence, Pitti Palace, the Conspiracy of Catiline; the Portrait of a Man in Armour; Temptation of St Anthony; Head of an Old Man ; two large Battle- pieces ; his own Portrait ; the " Silva de' Filosofi," from the Gerini Gallery ; Marine and other Landscapes ; &c. : San Felice, Christ and Peter on the Sea. Rome, Colonna Gallery, several examples : Doria Gallery, the Death of Abel : San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, SS. Cosmo e Damiano. Yiterbo, Chiesa della Morte, St. Thomas. Genoa, Pa- lazzo Grille Cataneo, the Expulsion of the Money-changers from the Temple. St Petersburg, the Painter's Portrait ; and many other examples. Yienna, Gallery, a Warrior doing Penance ; a large Battle-piece ; &q^ Berlin Gal- lery, a Sea-piece; a Portrait of the Painter. Louvre, Samuel appearing to Saul ; Tobias and the Angel ; a large Battle-piece ; and a Landscape. Eng- land, London, National Gallery, Mer- cury and the dishonest Woodman. Dulwich, a Landscape with Monks; Soldiers, playing. Grosvenor Galleiy, the celebrated pictures, Diogenes, and Democritus ; etched by Salvator himself. Devonshire House, Jacob's Dream, and several others. Pansh anger, a marine view. Stratton House, John the Baptist in the Wilderness ; a marine view ; Ban- ditti. LoDgford Castle, a marine view* Corsham-house, the Martyrdom of St. Lawrence ; the portrait of Masaniello ?. Warwick Castle, Banditti ; and others. Holkham, Rocky Landscape. Castle Howard, a Man's Portrait Chiswick, Rocky Landscape with view of the Sea; Raynham Hall, Belisarius. {Passeri^ Baldinucd, Dominici.) ROSA, Annelul di. [Beltrano.] ROSALBA CARRIERA, b. at Yenice, Oct 7, 1675, d. April 15, 1757. This lady distiDguished herself in miniature painting ; in portraits and religious pieces; and in crayons. Zanetti calls her the honour of her sex and of Yenetian painting. She was educated at Yenice, her first master was the Cav,