TORBIDO— TREVISANL 187 ciscus Turhidus Faciehaty 1535. Torbido execnted other works in oil and fresco at Verona, in Santa Maria in Organo, and in the chapel of the Bombardieri, in Sant' Euphemia, Saint Barbara with St. Anthony and St Boch, one of his finest pictures: in San Fermo Mag- giore, ibe Assumption of the Virgin: in the Sambonifado Galleiy is the Por- trait of Zenovello Giusti. There are altar-pieces by Torbido in the churches of Gosti, (near Montebello,) and of Mestre : in the Studj Gallery at Naples, is a portrait signed Francs Turhidut ditto el Moro Ve. Faciehat : in the Gal- lery at Munich is his own portrait. (Fiwari.) TRAINl, Fbancesgo, 6. at Florence, painted 1345, living 1378 (?). Tuscan School. The scholar of Andrea Or- cagna. In the chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas, in the church of Santa Gate- rina at Pisa, is the Beatification of St. Thomas, his principal work : in the Academy of Pisa is San Domenico by Traini. Vasari i^marks that Orcagna was far surpassed by his scholar in colouring and in inyention ; but Traini is in no way free from the defects of the quattrocento. {Vcuari, Bonaini.) TREVIGI, GiEOLAMO DA, 6. at Trevigi, 1508, d. near Boulogne, 1544. Venetian School. He was apparently the son, and probably the scholar, of Piermaria Pennacchi; but he became an imitator of Baphael. He spent some time in Bologna, and visited Genoa, which place he sooq left on account of the too powerful rivaliy of Perino del Vaga; from Bologna he went to Venice and Trent, and he finally came to this country and en- tered the service of Heniy VIIL He was employed ohiefiy as architect and engineer, with a fixed salaiy of about 1002. per annum ; it was while acting as engineer in the King's service, be- fore Boulogne in 1544, that Girolamo was killed by a cannon-ball, in his 36th year. There was a Girolamo Aviano da Trevigi, of whom there are still works, ftom 1470 to 1492. Works, His pictures are scarce, but there are some excellent portraits by him in an elaborate but broad manner, resembling the portraits by Baphael; as the half length of a man holding a ring or signet in his hand in the Oolonna Gallery at Rome. The picture of the Madonna and Saints, noticed by Vasari as Girolamo's master-piece, and for- merly in San Domenico in Bologna, formed part of Mr. Solly's collection: the Adoration of the Kings, painted for Giovanni Battista Bentivogli, from a drawing by Baldassare Peruzzi, is now with the drawing in the National Gallery. The chiaroscuri from the life of St. Anthony in the chapel of that saint in San Petronio at Bologna are still preserved; there are a Madonna and Saints, and a Presentation, in the church of the Smo. Salvatore in Bo- logna. {Vasarij Federici.) TREVISANI, Cav, Francesco, b. at Capo d'Istria, near Triest, April 10, 1656, d, at Bome, July 30, 1746. Bo- man School. Studied under Antonio Zanchi at Venice, and executed several fine works in imitation of the great Venetians; but having eloped with a young Venetian lady of high family, he fled to Bome, where he settled and acquired a great reputation. He found valuable patrons in the Cardinal Flavio Ghigi, nephew of Pope Alexander VII., and in the Duke of Modena, then Spanish Ambassador at the Court of Bome. He forsook the Venetian manner after his arrival in Bome, and adopted that of Guido, Domenichino, and other Carracceschi, and Carlo Maratta, then in fashion there. Hia composition is grand, and his chiaros- curo forcible, his execution free and bold, his drawing correct and graeefttl, and his colouring brilliant. He had the power of imitating the style of any
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