The following are the titles of the works referred to, by their authors' names at the end of the several articles, by the aid of which the subject may be thoroughly followed up by the more curious student in the history of art; many of the works mentioned, however, are scarce, some I am myself unacquainted with, and they are referred to on the authority of others, though the great majority being in my own library, have been constantly consulted in the compilation of this little Hand-book: as notice of prints forms no part of the object of this work, so Books of Prints, as such, are omitted from this list. A much more complete list of works on the History of Italian Painting, is given in the sixth volume of Lanzi's Storia Fittorica, (Florence, 1822); and a still more comprehensive catalogue will be found in the CcUalogo Ragionato dei Libri d^Arte e cTAntichitd, possedtUi dal Conte Cicognara, 2 vols. 8vo. Pisa, 1821. Neither of these works, however, contains the critical literature of modern times, nearly the whole of which is since their date: but much is comprised in the list subjoined; though this list makes no pretensions whatever to completeness of any kind, it is not - even a list of the works used in the compilation of the Hand-book, but nearly exclusively of those referred to at the close of the respective articles in the Catalogue, and which are the authorities for the essential facts recorded, or good sources of further information. Mere catalogues of collections or ordinary guide-books are generally not quoted, though some of the superior works of this class are included in the list. The most complete catalogue of works on art is probably R. Weigel's Kunst-Catalog, of which there are now twenty-six parts, 1834-54.
Affd, Vita di Francesco Mazzola detto il Parmigianino. 4to. Parma, 1784. II Parmigiano, Servitore di Piazza, o Notizie su le Pitture di Parma. Svo. Parma. 1794.
Aloe, Stan, I) Naples; ses Moniunens et ses Curiosit^s, <&c. 12mo. Naples, 1846.
Alton, Conte Federico, Memorie intorno alia Vita di Pomponio Amalteo, inserted in the Omiscoli Calogeriani, Vol. XL VIII., and Del Vario State della Pittura in Friuli, &c^ inserted in the Opuscoli Scientifici e FUologid, Venice. Vol. XXIII. (Lanzi.)