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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/235

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20i ZAMPIERI— ZELOTTI. Works, Borne, the Vatican Gallery, the Gommauion of St Jerome, in mosaic in St Peter's : San Gregorio, Flagellation of St. Andrew: Sant' Andrea della Yalle, in the cupola, the four Evangelists : San Luigi dei Fran- oesi, frescoes from the life of St Cecilia: Santa Maria in Triistevere, Ascension of the Virgin : Santa Maria della Vittoria, frescoes : Sant' Onofrio, frescoes: San Pietro in Vinculis, sa- cristy, Liberation of St Peter: San Silvestro di Monte Cavallo, frescoes, David before the Ark, (fee. : San Carlo a* Catinari, the Cardinal Virtues (fres- coes) ; Sta. Maria degli Angeli, the Martyrdom of St Sebastian (fresco): Borghese Gallery, Diana and her Nymphs ; St Cecilia, (fee. : Palazzo Mat- tei, Jacob and Rachel : Palazzo Bospig- liosi, the Fall ; the Triumph of David. Grotta Ferrata, near Borne, early frescoes (1610), from the life of St Nilus, and among the most admirable of Domenichino's works. Fano, in a chapel of the Duomo, frescoes from the life of the Virgin. Bologna, Gel- lery of the Academy, Martyrdom of St Agnes; Madonna del Bosario; St Peter Martyr : Zambeccari Palace, the Cardinal de Medici: Palazzo Tanara. Florence, Academy, St John the Evan- gelist ; Samson : Pitti Palace, Magda- len : Uffizj, tribune, Cardinal Agucchia. Genoa, Palazzo Prignole, San Bocco : Palazzo Durazzo, Christ risen, appear- ing to Mary ; St Sebastian ; the Death of Adonis : Palazzo Spinola, family of Tobias. Milan, Brera, the Madonna and ChUd, with Saints. Volterra, cathe- dral, the Conversion of Saul. Naples, 8ta4i Gallery, the Guardian Angel de- fending a Child : San Gennaro, the Mi- racles and Death of that Saint, (fee. (fres- coes). Frankfort, Stadel Institution, StI Sebastian, with holy women dressing his wounds. Berlin Gallery, the Portrait of an Architect; and some sacred sub- jects. Paris, Louvre, thirteen pictures by Domenichino, Adam and Eve re* proached for their disobedience; a Holy Family; David playing the Harp; a Vision of St. Anthony; and other sacred pieces, some profane subjects^ and four landscapes. England, Castle Howard, the half-length figure of St John : London, Nationid Gallery, two landscapes ; the Stoning of St Stephen ; St Jerome and the Angel. {Bellorif Passeri, Dominiciy Lanzi.) ZANCHI, Antonio, b, in Este, in 1639 ; d. about 1 722. Venetian School. A scholar of Francesco BuschL He idso imitated Tintoretto; but is more known at Venice, says Lanzi, for the number than for the excellence of his works. He belongs to the school of the Naturalisti, He was distingpiished for facility of execution and for general effect, especially in chiaroscuro. His master-piece is the Plague of Venice in 1630, in the Scuola di San Bocco at Venice, painted in 1666 : in the Scuola di San Girolamo is the Prodigal Son. (Zanetti, Lanzi,) ZELOTTI, Battista, 6. in Verona, 1532 ; d, about 1592. Venetian School The friend and fellow scholar with Badile of Paul Veronese, and he is enumerated by Vasari among, the scho- lars of Titian also. He was the rival of Paul Veronese at Verona, and his assistant and imitator. He possessed great facility of execution, and some of his larger works, as, for example, the Presentation of the Infant Christ in the Temple, which is now in the Berlin Gallexy, and has been attributed to him, resemble similar pictures by Paul Veronese. Zelotti is considered by some to have been superior to Paul in style, in the warmth of his colour, and the correctness of his drawing. His figures are, however, less graceful, and his heads have less variety and beauty of expression. While Paul Veronese ex- celled in oil, Zelotti was most success- ful in fresco ; yet some of the oil-pic-