was elected its first President, or Principej in 1^95.
Works, Florence, cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral : Uffizj Gallery, the Golden and Silver Ages ; an Allegory. Borne, Borghese Palace, Dead Christ with Angels: Sta. Prassede, works. Caprarola, frescoes. Orvieto, cathedral, works. Lncca, San Martino, Adoration of the Kings. England, Ghatsworth, Mary Queen of Scots. Hampton Court, Queen Eliza- beth ; that Queen's giant porter. {Bag- liane, Gean Bermudez.)
ZUCCHEBELLI, or Zuccarelli, Fbancesgo, h. at Pitigliano, near Flo- rence, 1702; d. 1788. Tuscan School. He first painted history, but afterwards landscapes, which he studied under Paolo Anesi, at -Florence, then at Borne with Giovanni Maria Morandi, and Pietro Nelli. He established him- self in Venice, and visited England in 1752 ; and here in 1768 he became one of the original members of the Boyal Academy. He was more excel- lent in his early works ; latterly success made him careless : his later works are cold, unharmonious, and artificial in composition. He returned to Florence in 1778, where he was still indebted to the patronage of English gentlemen. Though an inferior painter, Zucche- relli was so fashionable in London, that Wilson could barely earn a living. Zuccherelli etched some plates.
Works, at Windsor Castle and Hampton Court {Lanzi, Edwards.)
ZUCCHI, Antonio, ft. at Venice, in 1726; d, at Bome, 1795. He was the scholar of F. Fontebasso, and J. Amigoni, and was much employed by Bobert Adam as a decorator in this country. He lived here several years, was elected an associate of the Boyal Academy, but left England in company with AngeHca Eauffmann, and settled in Bome. {Longhi, Edwards.)
ZUCCHI, Jacopo, b. at Florence about 1541, d, about 1590. Tuscan School. He was a scholar of Vasari, whom he assisted with great ability; and he was a good portrait-painter. There are several altar-pieces by him at Bome, particularly in San Giovanni Decollate, and in Santo Spirito in Borgo. He was much employed at Bome in the time of Gregory XIV., and by Sixtus V. {Baglione.)
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