xxii WORKS REFERRED TO Q^mcy^ QiuUremh'e De. Histoire de la Vie et des Ouyrages de Michelange Buonarroti. 8vo. Paris, 1835. * Bamhonx, J, A. IJmrisse zur veranschaulichung alt christlicher Kiinst in Italien yom Jahr 1200 bis 1600, &c. Folio. Cologne, 1852, seq. Tracings from the originals. Bamdohr, F, W, B. Von. Ueber Mahlerei und BOdhauerarbeit in Rom fur Liebhaber des schoenen in der Kunst. Second edition. 3 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1798. Perhaps the best work of its age and class. Batti, C. G, Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Grenovesi di Baffadlo Soprani, &c., accresciute, ed arrichite di note, &c. YoL I. 4to. Genoa, 1768. ' Delle Vite de' Pittori, &c., Genovesi. Vol. II. Scritto da Giuseppe Ratti. 4to. Genoa, 1769. Be(de OaUeria di Firenae lUustrata, 13 vols. 8yo. 4 vols, of Painters' Portraits, with short biographical Notices. Florence, 1817-33. Behherg, Fr, Rafael Sanzio aus Urbino. Fol. Munich, 1824. Containing forty lithographic illustrations, well selected and executed ; and compris- ing a comparison of the portraits of Raphael. BeTuddis, Co, Canon OiroL Delia Pittura Friulana, saggio istorico. 8vo. [Jdine, 1798. Beumonty A, Italia. A periodical containing contributions by Rumohr, Gaye, and others. 2 vols. sm. Svo. Berlin, 1838-40. Be^noldsj Sir J, The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds, illustrated by ex- planatory notes and plates, by John Burnet, F.R.S. Large 4to. London, 1842. A sumptuous and interesting edition of these popular discourses. Bicci, Marchese A. Memorie Storiche delle Arti e degli ijrtisti della Marca di Ancona. 2 v6ls. Macerata, 1834. Bichardson, An Account of some of the Statues, Bas-reliefs, Drawings, and Pictures in Italy, &c., by Mr. Richardson, sen. and jun. Svo. London, 1722. Bidolfi, Cav. Carlo, Le Maraviglie dell' Arte owero le Vite degli illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Padua, 1835. The promised notes, intended to constitute a third volume, have never appeared. BigoUot, Dr, Catalogue de I'CEuvre de Leonard de Vinci. Svo. Paris, 1849. Bio, A, F. De la Po6sie Chr^tienne dans son Principe, dans sa Mati^ et dans ses Formes. Forme de I'Art, Peinture. Svo. Paris, 1836. Borne, Beschreibung der Stadt Rom, Von Ernst Platner, Carl Bunsen, &c. 5 vols. Svo. with atlas of tables, &c. Stuttgart and Tubingen. 1829-42.
- — Beschreibung Roms. Ein Auszug aus der Beschreibung der Stadt
Rom, von Ernst Platner und Ludwig Urlichs. Svo. Stuttgart and Tubingen, 1842. Bosini, Gio. Storia della Pittura Italiana esposta coi Monumenti. Second edition. 7 vols. Svo. Pisa, 1848-54. Interesting and useful for its illustrations, but deficient in criticism. Bumokr, C, F, Von. Italienische Forschungen. 3 vols. Svo. Berlin and Stettin, 1827-31. If any single book can be said to have revolutionised