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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/31

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nello of Messina is inferior and behind its time. The editors are Carlo and Gaetano Milanesi, Carlo Pino, and Padre Yincenzo Marchese. It is this edition that is invariably referred to in the catalogue.

Vasari, Leben der ausgezeichnetsten Maler Bildhauer und Baumeister von Cimabue vis zum Jahre 1567. Aus dem Italienischen, &c., yon Ludwig Schom und Ernst Fdrster. 6 vols. 8yo. Stuttgart and Tiibingen, 1832-49. Also a valuable edition, abounding in useful notes.

Vedriani, Lod, Raccolta de' Pittori, &c., Modonesi piii celebri. Small 4to. Modona, 1662.

Vercij G. B. Notizie intomo alia Vita e alle Opere de' Pittori, &c., della Cittk di Bassano. Small Bvo. Yenice, 1775.

Vermiglioliy (?. B. Di Bernardino Pinturicchio Pittore Perugino de' Secoli, XY. XYL Con appendice, &c., e con illustrazioni della Yita di Pietro Perugino. Bvo. Perugia, 1837.

ViUoty Fr, Notice des Tableaux du Louvre. Ecoles d'ltalie et d'Espagne. Fourth edition. Small 8vo. Paris, 1852. -

Waoujtn^ Br, O, F. Eunstwerke und Eunstler, in Paris. 12mo. Berlin, 1839.

Treasures of Art in Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1854.

Yerzeichniss der Gtomaelde-Sammlimg des Edniglichen Museums zu Berlin. 12mo. Berlin, 1841.

Walpoley Horace. Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some Account of the principal Artists, &c., collected by the late George Yertue, with additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. A new edition, revised, with additional notes by Ralph N. WomuuL 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849.

Womuni, R, N, The Epochs of Painting characterised. From the earliest ages to the present time. 12mo. London, 1847.

Zaistj O, B, Notizie istoriche de* Pittori, &c., Cremonesi. 2 vols. 4to. Cre- mona, 1776.

ZdneUi, Tp, Yita del Gran Pittore Cav. Conte Carlo Cignani, &c. 4to. Bologna, 1722.

Zanettiy A, M, Della Pittura Yeneziana e delle Opere pubbliche de' Yeneziani Maestri. 8vo. Yenice, 1771.

Zanettiy AL Le Premier Si^le de la Calcographie, ou Catalogue Raisonn6 des Estempes du Cabinet de Feu, M. Le Comte Leopold Cicognara. 8vo. Yenice, 1837.

Zani, P. Materiali per servire alia Storia dell' Origine e de' Progress! deir Incisione in Rame e in legno. 8vo. Parma, 1802.

ZanotU, O, P. Storia dell' Accademia Clementina di Bologna. 2 vols. 4to. Bologna, 1739.

R. N. W.


Page 203, third line from the end, /or Gregory V., r§ad Oicgoiy XV.