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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/34

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ALBERTt— ALFANI. 8 vanni, at Home, but is much more cele- brated as an engraver than as a painter. {Baglione.) ALBERTI, DxmANTE, probably of the same family of Borgo San Sepolcro, b, 1538, d, 1613, was also established as a painter of reputation at Bome, in the time of Gregory XIII. ALBERTI, Giovanni, son of Alberto Albert!, b. at Borgo San Sepolcro, in 1558, d. at Rome, 1601. He painted in oil and fresco, excelled chiefly in the latter, and was unrivalled in his time for his clever foreshortenings of the fign^u^, general effects in perspec- tive, and for landscape. His principal works are, the Sala Clementina, in the Vatican; the ceiling of the Sacristy of San Giovanni in Laterano, painted for Clement VIII.; and for Gregory Xni., some frescoes in the palace of Monte Cavallo. The Alberti are enumerated by Lanzi among the imitators of Michelangelo. (^Baglione.) ALBERTINELLI, Makiotto, a very able pupil of Cosimo Roselli, painted in Florence, Viterbo, and in Rome. He was the fellow-student and friend of Fra Bartolomeo di San Marco, and knitated his style with great success; he coloured, or rather painted, several of his pictures. He does not, however, show either the energy or grandeur of style of Fra Bartolomeo, but his colouring is powerful, and his tone ad- mirable, his composition good, and his countenances have an earnest expres- sion. He died about 3520, aged 45. Tuscan School. Works, Florence, Gallery of the Uffizj, the Salutation ; in the Academy, the Trinity and the Annunciation, from the Confraternity of San Zanobi, a master-piece for tone. Berlin Galleiy, the Trinity and the Assumption of the Virgin (the upper part is by Fra Bar- tolommeo). Louvre, the Virgin and Child. (Fosart, Zani.) ALBERTONI, Paolo, a Roman painter of the school of Carlo Maratta. He died about 1695. Pictures in San Carlo on the Corso, in Santa Maria of the Campo Marzo, and in other churches of Rome. {Orlandi.) ALBINI, Alessandbo, b. at Bologna in 1568, d. 1646. He was a very dis- tinguished pupil of the Carracci. {Mal- vasia.) ALBONI, Paolo, a Bolognese land- scape painter. He imitated the style of Ruysdael and other Dutch masters. He lived some time at Vienna, and died at Bologna in 1730. (Crespi.) ALBORESI, GiAGOMO, b. at Bologna in 1632, d. 1677. He was a pupil of Domenico Santi and Agostino Mitelli, and excelled as an architectural painter in fresco. (Malvasiaj Crespi.) ALDROVANDINI, the name of a Bolognese family of artists, originally of Rovigo, distinguished as architectural and decorative painters. Maubo, b. 1649, d, 1680; Pompeo Agostino, his son, instructed in perspective by his cousin, Tommaso Aldrovandini, b. at Bologna in 1677, d. at Rome in 1739 ; he painted in fresco, in distemper, and in oil ; Tommaso was bom at Bologna in 1653, and died there in 1736. He was the pupil of his uncle Mauro. {Za- notti.) ALE MAGNA, Giusto di, painted, in 1451, a fresco of the Annunciation in the convent of Santa Maria di Castello, at Genoa : it is the oldest fresco in that city ; the colouring is still fresh. It is signed " Justus de Alemania." The painter was evidently a German. {So- prani.) ALENI, Tommaso, called II Fadino, b. at Cremona, painted in 1515. Lom- bard School. His style very much re- sembles that of Galeazzo Campi. Cre- mona, church of San Domenico. ( Zaist. ) ALFANI, Domenico di Paris, b. at Perugia about 1483, still living in 1536. A pupil of Pietro Perugino with Ra- B 2