8 ANGAHANO— ANSALONI. a Venetian painter of the seventeenth century. At Venice, in the church of San Daniele,is the Nativity, considered his hest work. {Zanetti.) ANGELI, Fnjppo d', b. at Borne in 1600, <^. 1660. Boman School; called n Napolitano (he spent his youth at Naples ) . He painted small landscapes with figures, and marine and batde- pieces, with great skill, and spread a taste for this class of art in Italy. He lived some time at Florence, at the court of Cosmo 11. {Fabrettij Bag- lione.) ANGELI, Giuuo Gesabe, 6. at Pe- rugia about 1570, d. about 1630. He was a scholar of Annibal Garracci, but did not adopt the Bolognese style. His colour is better than his design, and his draped figures superior to tbe undraped. At Perugia, in the Oratorio di Sant Agosdno, are his best frescoes. {Pas- coli,) ANGELI, Giuseppe, b. about 1715, living in 1793. Venetian School. A pupil and imitator of Piazzetta. His heads have much expression. (Za- netti.) ANGELIGO. ISee Era. Giovanni DA ElESOLE.] ANGELINI, SciPiONE, b. at Ascoli in 1661, d, in 1729. Boman School. He painted flower-pieces ; his pictures were numerous, and largely exported by the dealers from Leghorn to France, England, and Holland. (Pascoli.) ANGUISGIOLA, or ANGUSSOLA, SoFONisBA, b, at Gremona about 1533, d, at Genoa about 1620. She belongs to the Gremonese eclectics of the Lom- bard School ; she was successively the pupil of Bernardino Gampi of Cre- mona, and of Bernardino Gatti of Mi- lan. She was an excellent portrait- painter, and was invited to Madrid, by Philip II., where she painted severed portraits. She also executed small his- torical subjects. Her conversation on questions relating to art, in her old age, was much courted at Genoa ; and Yan- dyck, who frequented her parties, is reported to have asserted that he had obtained more knowledge from a blind old woman than fh)m the study of the great masters. She was twice married. At Wilton, the Earl of Pembroke's, there is the marriage of St. Cathe- rine; at Althorp, Northamptonshire, her own portrait, in which she is play- ing on the harpsichord : there are others of herself at Florence, Vienna, and at Genoa, in possession of the Lomellini family, into which she married. In Berlin, in Ct. Baczynski's collection, there was a family picture, by Sofonisba. She instructed her sisters Lucia, Mi- NEBVA, EuBOPA, and Anna Mabia in painting, in which they all excelled. {Vnsari, Batti.) ANSALDI, Innocenzio, b, at Pescia in 1734, d. at Florence in 1816. He studied in Bome, and has left some graceful works. Works in the churches of Florence. He was a distinguished writer on art. (Biographic Universelie, 8upp.) ANSALDO, Andeea, b, at Voltri, 1584, d. at Genoa, 1638. This distin- guished painter of the Genoese School was the pupil of Orazio Gambiaso ; he also studied the works of Paolo Vero- nese. He executed many fine works in fresco and in oil, at Voltri and at Genoa; some of his chief frescoes have perished: he was one of the ablest Italian painters of his age, and Lanzi says, one of the few who painted much and well at the same time. Among his best works are, at Voltri, San Carlo Boromeo staging the Plague at Milan, in the church of SS. Niccolo ed Erasmo; and at Genoa, the Last Supper, in the Oratorio of Sant' An- tonio Abate, 1629. (Soprani and BcUH.) ANSALONI, ViNCENZio. A pupil of Ludovico Garracci. Two only of his works remain; in the church of Saa
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