AVELLINO— BADARACCO. 13 in 1674, d, at Borne, in 1741. Nea- politan School. Was first the pupil of Luca Giordano, then of Solimena. He was more especially a portrait-painter, but he painted also battles, and he made many good copies of the pictures of Giordano, of that class which have been sold in England and elsewhere as originals. The same has happened also, according to Dominici, with some of his copies of Solimena. He painted at Naples and at Rome. Works. Home, vault of the church of San Francesco di Paola : Sorrento, Chiesa del Carmine, the Virgin en- throned, with many Saints. AVERARA, Giovanni Battista, of Bergamo, he d, Nov. 10, 1548, in the prime of life, of the bite of a dog. Venetian School. In the character of his landscapes, and in his colouring, he seems to have taken Titian for his model. He was particularly excellent in his landscape backgrounds: he painted almost exclusively in ^esco. {Muzio, Tassi,) AVIANI, an architectural painter of Vicenza of « the early part of the 17th century. Venetian School. He painted also sea views and landscapes : he has selected some of the most remarkable views in Venice for his subjects. His figures were painted by Garpioni. {Lanzi.) AVOGADRO, PiETBO, a painter of Brescia of the early part of the 18th century. He was the pupil of Pompeo Ghiti, of Brescia, but followed the Bolognese, with the addition of the livelier colouring of Venice. He holds, in the opinion of many, says Lanzi, the foiuth place among Uie great painters of Brescia ; these are — ^Ales- saudro Bonvicino, or the Moretto of Brescia; Latanzio Gambara, and Giro- lamo Savoldo. Avogadro's master-piece is, perhaps, in the church of St. Joseph, the Martyrdom of Santi Grispino and Grispiniano. AZZOLINI, Mazzomni, or Asoueni, Gio Bebmabdino, a clever Neapolitan painter, and modeller in wax, who settled at Genoa about 1610. He excelled in expression both in his pictures and in his wax models. He appears to have been elected a member of the Roman Academy of St. Luke in 1618. He painted .chiefly at Genoa. Works. Genoa, church of the Mo- nache Turchine, an Annunciation : church of San Giuseppe, Martyrdom of St' Apollonia. (Soprani, Orlandi.) BAGCARINI, Jacopo, of Reggio, d. 1682. Lombard School. A pupil and imitator of Orazio Talami. His style, says Lanzi, displays much judgment, combined with a great deal of grace. Works. Reggio, a Repose in Egypt, and the Death of St. Alessio ; both in the church of San Filippo. (Tira- boschi. ) BAGHIAGGA, II. [Ubeetini.] BAGICCIO. [Gaulli.] BADALOGGHIO, or ^OSA, Sisto, b, at Parma, about 1581, rf. 1647. He studied under Annibal Garracci, fol- lowed him to Rome, and assisted him in the chapel of San Diego. His works somewhat resemble those of his friend and companion Lanfranco; he was employed also with Guido and Do- menichino in the church of San Gre- gorio, at Rome, and he assisted Albani at the Verospi Palace, where he executed two of the frescoes of Polyphemus and Galatea. Badalocchio and Lanfranco, in 1607, published a set of etchings from Raphael's Bible, in the Loggie, with a dedication to Annibal Gar-, racci. Works. Parma, in the Academy, — St. Francis receiving the Stigmata; the Goronation of the Virgin; Virgin and Child, with Saints. {Malvasia.) BADARAGCO,GiovANNi Raffaello, b. at Genoa, 1648, d. 1726. Genoese
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