16 BAMBINI— BARBIERL in the beauty of his women. At Venice, in San Stefano, is an altar- piece of the Birth of the Virgin, by Bambini, more in the style of the Boman School. (Zanetti.) BAMBINI, Jacopo, d. 1629. Fer- rarese School. A pupil of Domenico Mona. Bambini and Giulio Groma established the first life-Academy in Ferrara. Works, Ferrara, cathedral, three altar-pieces — ^the Flight into Egypt; the Annunciation ; and the Conversion of St. Paul. (Baruffaldi.) BANDIERA, Benedetto, b, at Perugia, 1557, d. 1634. Roman School. He is supposed to have been a pupil of Barocd. {PcucolL) BARABBINO, SmoNE, of Polcevera, h, about 1585, d. about 1620. Genoese School. A distinguished scholar of Bernardo Castello, who was jealous of the merit of his pupil. Barabbino removed to Milan, but he forsook painting after a time for trade, got into debt, and died in prison. Works, Genoa, at the Nunziata del Guastato, San Diego, Restoring the Blind ChUd to Sight. Milan, San Girolomo, a Madonna and Dead Christ. (Soprani.) BARBALUNGA, Antonio, called Ricci, b. at Messina, 1600, d, at Rome, Nov. 2, 1649. He studied at Rome under Domenichino, whose pictures he copied and imitated: he became one of the principal painters of his time ; returned to Messina, and formed a school there on the principles of the Carracci. Works, Rome, Church of the Teatini, Monte Cavallo, San Gaetano ; Sant Andrea della Valle, the As- sumption. Messina, several works. {Pascoli.) BARBARELLI. [Giobgione.] BARBATE LLI, Bernabdino, called Poccetti and dalle Grotte, b. at Florence, 1548, d, 1612, was the pupil of Michele Ghirland^jo. He studied the works of Raphael in Rome, and though excel- lent in the higher walk of painting, turned his attention with complete success also to all accessory descrip- tions of the art; landscape, flowers, ornament, &e. His works are nume- rous at florenee, in fresco and in oil, chiefly the former. (Lanzi.) BARBELLO, Jacopo, b. at Cre- mona in 1590, d, 1656. Venetian School. He studied in Naples. Works, Brescia, San Francesco. Bergamo, San Luzzaro, and other churches of that city. {Averoldo,) BARBXANI, Andbea, living 1754. Bolognese School. Painted history in the style of Cesare Pronti. Works, Ravenna, Vault of the Ca- thedral, the Four Evangelists; other churches at Ravenna and Rimini. {Lanzi,) BARBIANI, Giovanni Battista, d. at Ravenna, 1650. Bolognese School. He resembles Bartolomeo Cesi. Works, Ravenna, at the Francis- cans, two altar-pieces of St. Andrea and San Giuseppe: cathedral, fresco in the dome of the chapel of the Madonna del Sudore, Assumption of the Virgin . ( Onarienti. ) BARBIERI, Domenico del, known also as Domenico Fiorentino, b, about 1506. Tuscan SchooL The pupil and assistant of Piimaticcio, and of H Rosso, whom he accompanied into France, and greatly assisted in ornament- ing the palaces of Fontainebleau and Meudon, more especially in the stucco- work. He executed some frescoes after the designs of Primaticcio. Domenico was also a good engraver. (Vasari.) BARBIERI, Francesco, called n Legnago, b. 1623, d, at Verona, 1698. Venetian School. A pupil of Gandini and Pietro Ricchi ; painted history and landscapes: his works are numerous. {Orlandi.) BARBIERI, Giovanni Francesco,
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