20 BIBIENA— BISSOLO. BIBIENA, or Galli da Bibiena, Giovanni Mabia, b. at Bibiena, 1625, d, 1655. Bolognese School A Pupil and imitator of Albani. There were several other artists of this family. Works, Bologna, Gertosa, the As- cension : San Biaggio, Sant' Andrea ; La Carita Sant' Anna. {Crespi.) BICCl, LoBENzo Di, 6. at Florence about 1350, d. 1427. Tuscan School. Pupil of Spinello Aretino, and one of the last masters who adhered to the Giot- tesque type. The Bicd family, of which Lorenzo is the head, became celebrated in t)ie history of painting in Tuscany, but the different members and their works have been confounded by Va- sari and by Baldinucci. The editors of the new Florentine edition of Va- sari, by Le Monnier, have cleared up many of these obscurities. Works* . Florence, Loggia of Sta. Maria Nuova, the Consecration of that Church by Pope Martin V., 1418. BICCI, Nebi di, the grandson of Lorenzo, h, 1419, d. 1586. Bicci was an industrious painter, and executed a great number of works in tempera^ though few can now be identified. His Journal, from the year 1453 to 1475, is still preserved in the library of the Uffizj, at Florence. The subjects he most commonly painted, and these he painted many times, were : — the An- nunciation ; the Assumption, and the Coronation of the Virgin; the Virgin and Child, accompanied with Saints; the Crucifixion ; and the Holy Trinity. From three to five pounds of our money appears to have been the com- mon sum he received for a large pic- ture ; it was, however, not an insigni- ficant sum then, as it was the price of a small house. Works, Florence, San Leonardo ad Arcetri, the Assumption and the Coro- nation of the Virgin : Convent of the Annunziata, the Coronation of the Vir- gin : San Niccolo, Madonna and Child, with Saints : Santa Felicita, the Patron Saint : Academy, Madonna and Child, with Saints ; and the Crucifixion ; and others. San Pancrazio, San Giovan- Gualberto, fresco (1454) : and in Santo Spirito, St Luke the Evangelist Si- ena, in the Academy, the Madonna and Child, with Saints. Arezzo, San Michele, an altar-piece (1466). Li the Berlin Gallery is a Madonna and Child, with adoring Angels, attributed to NerL BIGARI, ViTTOBio, h, at Bologna, 1692, <2. 1776. Bolognese School. Scho- lar of Antonio Dardani, painted in fresco and in oil : he was one of the principal Italian painters of the 18th century. Works, Bologna, churches and pa- laces ; Madonna deUa Guardia, Cupola. Porretta, Rannzzi Palace. {FioriUo.) BIMBI, Babtolomeo, b. at Florence, 1648, d, 1725. Tuscan School. A pupil of Angelo Gori. Painted froit and flowers. BISCAINO, Babtolomeo, 6. at Ge- noa, 1632, d, 1657. Genoese School. Pupil of Valerio Castelli. Biscaino was a good engraver. Many of his etchings are preserved in collections: his pictures are rare. Works, Genoa, Santo Spirito, the Virgin, with San Ferrando. Dresden Gallery, the Woman taken in Adultery; the Adoration of the Magi; and the Circumcision. (Soprani,) BISSOLO, Peee Francesco, painted about 1500. Venetian School. Pupil of Gio. Bellini. This artist is distin- guished by a softness and gracefulness not common at that early period. Works, Venice, Academy, Christ exchanging the Crown of Thorns for the Crown of Gold with St. Catherine, formerly in San Pietro Martire, at Murano: Manfrini Gallery, Annun- ciation: Treviso Cathedral, Santa Gi- ustina. Berlin Gallery, the Kesurrec- tion of Christ {Zanetti,)
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