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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/61

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80 BONVICINO— BOSCHI. other pictures. Vienna, San Justino, and Duke Ercole of Ferrara. Louvre, two small pictures of Saints. {Bidolfi, Broffnoli.) BONZI, PiETRO Paolo, called H Gobbo da Cortona and II Gobbo de' Gar- racci, d, about 1640. Bolognese School, a pupil of Annibal Carracci, and a good landscape-painter. BORDONE, Cav. Paeis,6. atTrevigi, 1600, d, Jan. 19, 1570 (1671). Venetian School. A pupil of Titian. He stu- died also the works of Giorgione, and painted in the style of Titian with such success, that a doubt might easily arise as to whether the work were by the master or the pupil. He painted in Trevigi, Venice, and in France, which country he appears to have visited in 1638, by the invitation of Francis I. Though not inferior to the best Vene- tian masters, in historical works, Bor- done's greatest success was in portrait painting ; his female portraits are femi- nine and graceful : he painted the most beautiful women of the French court, and had the art, says Bidolfi, of making these works appear fancy pictures rather than portraits. Works. Venice, Academy, the Pre- sentation by the Fisherman of the King of St. Mark to the Doge; Paradise: Manfrini Palace, Madonna and Child. Florence, Pitti Palace, the Eiposo. Louvre, two portraits, and another pic- ture. Berlin Gallery, two portraits and three other pictures. Bridgwater Gallery, London, the Biposo. {Za- netti.) BORGHESE, Pietbo. [Della France sc A.] RORGHESI, Gio. Ventura, 6. about 1640, at Gitta di CasteUo, d. May 20, 1708. Roman School. A pupil of Pietro da Gortona; he imitated his mas- ter, assisted him in his works, and completed some of those that were left unfinished at his death. Works, Rome, San Niccolo da To- lentino, the Annunciation and Corona- tion of the Virgin. ( Orlandi. ) BORGOGNONE, AMBROoio,orFo8- sano, painted about 1490-1535. Mila- nese School. A pupil of Vincenzio Foppa, distinguished by a simple por- trait treatment of his figures and grace- ful natural expression; much in the style of Bernardino Luim. Works, Milan, Sant Ambrogio, Christ's Resurrection ; and Christ dis- puting with ^e Doctors : San Simpli- ciano, the Coronation of the Virgin. Others at Cremo, in Valsassina; the Gertosa di Pavia, &c. Berlin Gdlery, the Madonna enthroned, and the Vir- gin and Child. (Lonuizzo.) BORRONI, Cav, Gio. Angeix), h. at Cremona, 1684, d, at Milan, 1772. Mi- lanese School. A pupil of Angelo Mas- sarotti. Works, At Cremona and Milan. {Zaist.) BORZONE, Luciano, h, at Genoa, 1690, d. 1646. Genoese School. A distinguished portrait-painter; he ex- ecuted also many works for churches and collections : he was killed by a fall from a scaffolding while engaged paint- ing a picture of the Nativity, in the Nunziata del Guastato. His three sons, Gio. Battista, Carlo, and Francesco, were also painters. Francesco (1625- 1&79) was a good landscape-painter, and spent some time in the service of Louis XIV. Works, Genoa, San Domenico, the Presentation in the Temple: Santo Spi- rito, the Baptism of Christ; and others. {^Soprani.y BOSCHI, Fabrizio, h, at Florence, about 1870, rf. 1642. Tuscan School. A distinguished pupil of Domenico Passignani. Works, Florence, All Saints, San. Bonaventura celebrating Mass: Cer- tosa. Martyrdom of St. Peter and St Paul. (Balditiucci,) BOSCHI, Francesco, b, atFlorence,