86 CAMPAGNOIA— CANTABINL CAMPAGNOLA, DonsNico^the son or scholar only of Giulio, and nephew of Girolamo Campagnola, lived at Pa- dua, 1518-1543. Venetian school. He studied in the School of Titian, was a good imitator of that master, and ex- cited his jealousy. He was an excellent fresco-painter, a landscape-painter, and an engraver. Several of his plates are dated 1517. Works. Florence, Pitti Palace, Adam and Eve. Padua, Scuola del Santo: the Duomo: Palazzo del Podesta: Palazzo Giustiniano al Santo: Scuola del Carmine: Library of the Univer- sity. {Brandolese, A I, Zanetti,) CAM PI, Bebnardino, b. at Cremona, 1522, d. 1502. Lombard School. He was the pupil, and probably the rela- tion, of Giulio Campi. He was an enthusiastic student of the works of Baphael, and eventually rivalled his kinsman, Giulio Campi, though he appears never to have visited Home. Bernardino was a good portrait-painter. Warks. Cremona, San Gismondo, the Cupola. Louvre, a Pieta. Antonio and Yincenzio Campi, also painters, were of the same family. (ZauiL) CAMPI, Giulio, b. at Cremona about 1500, d. 1572. Lombard School The head of the Eclectics of Cremona, and the son of Galeazzo Campi, a mas- ter of the quattrocento, who instructed his son in the simpler elements of his art, and then placed him with Giulio Romano, at Mantua, under whom he became a great master. He attempted the combination of the excellences of the Northern and Eoman Schools, and is called the Ludovico Caracci of Cre- mona. His brothers Antonio and Yin- cenzio, his pupils and assistants, also acquired great reputation. The Campi are the great Macchinisti of Lombardy. Works, Cremon a, Santa Margherita : Sant' Agostino : San Gismondo. Bres- cia, Palazzo Communale, Sala del Con- siglio, frescoes. Bocca di Soragno, the Feats of Hercules. Mantua, Dome of San Girolamo. Milan, San Paolo. (Zaisi.) CAMPIDOGLIO, MlCHRLANOSLO Pacb, called del, b. at Rome, about 1600, d. about 1670. Roman School A pupil of Fioravente, distinguished in the same class of work. He painted fruit, flowers, Ssc, with great mastery. {Pascoli.) CAMPOLO, PuLciDO, h, at Messina, 1693, d, 1743. A Messinese painter; studied at Rome under Sebastiano Conca, and copied the works of Raphael, and the antique marbles. He returned to Messina in 1731, and painted the ceiling of the Galleria del Senato, in fresco. (Hackert,) CANAL, Antonio, called II Cana- LETTo, b. at Yenice, Oct 18, 1697, d* at Yenice, Aug. 20, 1768. Yenetaan School He was originally a scene-painter, but studied long in Rome, and acquired a European reputation by the truth and accuracy of his architectural prospects of Yenice. His style is hard, but his pictures appear to have much darkened through time ; they are remarkable for their correct perspective and elaborate detail; he used the Camera Lncida. The figures in his pictures were some- times introduced by Tiepolo. There is an excellent collection of Canaletto's works belonging to her Majesty at Windsor. ( Zanetti. ) CANALETTO, Bernardo, or cor- rectly, Bellotto, b. at "Venice, 1724, d. at Prague, 1780. Yenetaan School. The nephew and pupil of Antonio, in whose style he painted so perfectly, that the works of the two cannot be distinguished. Bellotto lived much in Germany ; at Dresden is a fine coUec- tion of his works, in a distinct gallery, called " The Thiele and Canaletto Col- lection." CANTARINI, SiMONE, called II Pesarese, 6. at Oropezza, 1612, d. at Yerona, October 15, 1648. Bolog.
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