02 CRESPI— CRISCUOLO. called Lo Spagnnolo, h. at Bologna, March 16th, 1666, d. July 17th, 1747. Bolognese School. Studied under Canuti, and afterwards with Carlo Cignani. He copied for some time with assiduity the works of the great masters : he was an artist of capricious fancy, and even in sacred subjects found room occasionally for caricature ; his execution was so slight that his colouring has become in many cases obliterated by time; his works are executed with extreme freedom and bravura, but are also excessively man- nered. He also etched many plates. Works, . Bologna, Santa Maria Mad- dalena, the Annunciation. San Sal- yatore, St John Preaching. Dresden Gallery, Ecce Homo, and several other pictures. Louvre, the School- mistress,- and another picture. There were several other painters of this name. {Crespi.) CRESPI, Daniele, 6. at Busto Arsizio, near Milan, 1590, d, 1630. JVIilanese School. The son and scholar of Gio. Battista Crespi, and likewise one of the most celebrated of the Milanese painters. He and all his family died of the plague. There are a Crucifixion, and a series of clever portraits by him* in Santa Maria della Passione, at Milan ; and in the Certosa the History of St. Bruno, of which the temporary resuscitation of Dr. Ray- mond is very popular. Busto Arsizio, the Botonda. CRESPI, Gio. Battista, called II Cerano from his birth-place, b, 1557, d. at Milan, 1633. Milanese School. He is the most distinguished of the followers of the Procaccini ; he studied also at Rome and at Venice. Though not free from the mannerism of his school, which sometimes in his forms, sometimes in his shadows was ex- cessive, he invariably displayed great power and facility. He was Ukewise a celebrated sculptor and architect; and he painted birds and quadrapeds with extraordinary skill. Crespi executed extensive works for the Cardinal Federigo Borromeo, at Milan and else- where, of which not the least remark- able is the colossal statue of San Carlo Borromeo in the Lago Maggiore. Works. Milan, San Lazzaro, B Rosario: the Brera, several pictures. Berlin Gallery, Christ on the Mount of Olives. {Orlandi.) CRETI, Car. Donato, 6. at Cre- mona, 1671, d. at Bologna, 1749. Bo- lognese School. He studied under Lorenzo PasineUi, and imitated the delicate execution of Simone Canta- rini, but his colouring isj| sometimes harsh and crude. He painted in chiaroscuro, and was celebrated for his pen-and-ink drawings. He etched a few plates. Works. Bologna, San Luca, the Crowning of the Virgin : Palazzo Favs, the Feast of Alexander : San Domenico, San Vincenzio Ferreri. (Crespi.) CRISCUOLO, Gio. Fujppo, b. at Gaeta, about 1509, d. about 1584. Neapolitan School. A pupil of Andrea da Salerno, he studied also under Perino del Vaga, in Rome, and copied the works of Raphael with great dihgence, but adhered to the old style. His pictures are in many of the churches of Naples. His brother Giovanni Angehco, a notary, likewise distinguished himself as a painter : he wrote an account of the Neapolitan surtists, which was used by Dominici. There are also some pictures in the churches of Naples, by Mariangela, the daughter of Gio. Fihppo. Works. Naples, Santa Maria del Rosario, the Adoration of the Magi ; Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Virgin and Child in the clouds ; San Lorenzo, Christ bearing his Cross ; Museo Bor- bonico (Studj), Vergine del Rosario, with Saints. Gaeta, the Nunziata. Aversa. {Dominici.)
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