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Page:Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters.djvu/86

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DISCEPOU— DONZELLO. 65 IS his representation of Purgatoiy ; and in the Brera, the Adoration of the Wise Men. {Orlan^.) DOLGI, Gablo, b, at Florence, May 25, 1616, d, Jan. 17, 1686. Tuscan School. He studied in the school of Matteo Boselli, and was a pupil of Jacopo Vignali. His large pictures are rare, as he, in general, confined himself to the representation of Ma- donnas and Saints, treating these subjects with a peculiar gentleness and grace, and extreme delicacy of execution, combined with correct draw- ing, and at the same time a purely natural treatment of the model; but the uniform high finish and texture gives a coldness and artificial character to some of his pictures, and his style is altogether too effeminate for male cha- racters; some of his Magdalens are his finest works. His compositions are, at most, dramatised portraits. * His most important historical picture is St. Andrew praying at the Cross, in the Fitti Palace. Their exquisite finish has rendered them generally extremely popular in collections. His daughter Agnese painted in a similar style, and copied her father's works. Works. Florence, Pitti Palace, the Madonna and Child ; St. Andrew pray- ing at the Cross (a similar picture helongs to the Earl of Ashbumham). Dresden Gallery, Christ breaking Bread ; Herodias ; St. Cecilia. Berlin Museum, St. John the Evangelist Windsor, the Daughter of Herodias, with the Head of John the Baptist on a charger : others at Munich : St Petersburg, &c. {Bed- dinned.) DOMENICHINO. [Zampieei.] DOMINICI, Bebnabdo de', b. at Naples, 1684. Neapolitan School. Stu- died at Naples with Matteo Preti, and under the German Beich, and painted landscapes, marine-pieces, and Bam- bocdate with care and minuteness, com- pletely in the Flemish taste; but he is better known as the historian of the Neapolitan painters, &g., Vite dei Pit- tori, Scultori, ed Architeiti Napolitani. Nap. 1742-d, reprinted in 1840, in 4 vols. 8vo. PONI, Adone, b. at Assisi, about 1500, living 1680. Umbrian School. A pupil of Pietro Perugino probably; imitated originally the style of that master, but subsequently becanie a fol- lower of the later schools, especially of Michelangelo. In San Pietro, at Pe- rugia, is an Adoration of the Kings, in his early manner : he was a very accu- rate portrait-painter. Works. Assisi, San Francesco, some Sibyls. Perugia, San Francesco, the Last Judgment. Berlin Museum, a Holy Family. {Rvmohr.) DONNINI, GmoLAMO, b. at Cor- reggio, 1681, d, at Bologna, 1743. Bo- lognese School. He studied under Stringa and Giuseppe dal Sole, and finally under Carlo Cignani, at Forli. He executed large works for the churches at Bologna, Correggio, and at Turin ; but excelled chiefly in small cabinet-pieces. {Tiraboschi.) DONZELLO, PiETBO del, 6. at Naples, about 1405, d. about 1470. Neapolitan School. A pupil of Anto- nio Solario, called Lo Zingaro. Pietro and Ippolito del Donzello are among the earliest distinguished painters of Naples. They executed extensive works in fresco, in Poggioreale. The younger brother, IppoUto, visited Florence with Benedetto da Maiano, and does not ap- pear to have returned to Naples: Pietro then carried out many works alone. Some of the works in Santa Maria Nuova were, according to Dominici, painted in oU; if according to the new method of the Van Eycks, they were amongst the earliest so executed in Italy. Works. In the Museum at Naples, are a Crucifixion | and a Madonna, with Angels: San Domenico, Chapels of