68 OADDI— GANDOLFL San Francesoo), a fragment Berlin Ma- senm, four sacred sabjeots. Louvre, Qcenea from the life of Christ and the Baptist. National Gallery, two pictures of Saints. {Vasarif Rumohr, Oaye.) OAGLIABDI, Cav. Bebnabdo, b. at Cittli di Gastello, 1609, d. 1660. Boman School. A pupil of Avanzino Nucci, and a student of the works of the Car- racci and of Guide. His master-piece, says Lanzi, is the picture of San Pelle- giino, in San Marcello, at Rome. GALANIN 0, the name by which Bal- DASSABE AloisI is commonly known, b. at Bologna, 1578, d. at Bome, 1638. Bolognese School. He was a pupil and follower of the Garracci, and be- came so able a portrait-painter, that he has been styled the Italian Yandyck ; he painted also some excellent historical pieces ; and also etched a few plates. Works, Bologna, church of La Ga- riti, the Visitation: Academy, Virgin and Ghild, with Saints and Angels. Bome, Gesu e Maria, the Coronation of the Virgin. {Baglione,) GALASSI, Galasso, painted at Fer- rara, 1450, d. 1488. The earliest of the Ferrarese painters ; he lived some time at Bologna, but died at Ferrara. A few works in these cities are attributed to him, but little is known of him per- sonally ; in style he is anterior to, or less developed than, Giotto, though a much later master. ' Works. Gallery of Ferrara, the Eter- nal Father. {Vcuari, Baruffaldi,) GALXZIA, Fede, b. at Milan about 1578, living in 1616, daughter and pupil of Annunzio Galizia, of Trent. Mila- nese School. She painted history, por- trait, and landscapes, and was originally a miniature-painter. Works. Milan, for the church of Santa Maria Madcialeua, the large altar-piece, Christ appears to Mary as a Gardener (1616), now in the Brera : Ambrosiana^ portrait of Paolo Moriggio. GALLI. [BiBiENA.] GAMBABA, Lattaszio, b. at Bies^ da, 1541, d. 1574. Venetian School. A pupil of Antonio Gampi and Giro* lamo Bomanino, whose daughter he married. He was an able fresco-painter, with great skill in fore-shortening and in execution. Many of the churches and other buildings of Brescia possess works by Gambara, though he was killed in early life by a fall from a scaffold : his oil pictures are rare. AH his works are distinguished for their fine colour and correct anatomical drawing. Works. Brescia, Sant' Eufemia, clois- ters, twenty-four frescoes. Parma, cathedral, frescoes from the Life of Christ Mantua, Santa Mariadelle Grazie. {Ridolfij Brognoli.) GAMBARINI, Gioseffo, 6. at Bo- logna, 1680, d. 1725. Bolognese School Studied under Lorenzo Pasinelli and Gesare Gennari. He painted genre pic- tures, or subjects from common life in the Dutch taste, with great skill and success; in his more serious pictures he was very inferior. GANDINI, GioEGio, called also Del Grano, b. at Parma, d. 1538. Lom- bard School. He was apparently a favourite pupil of Gorreggio, who is said to have retouched his works. The great altar-piece of San Michele, at Parma, now in the galleiy of the Aca- demy, is attributed to Gandini, and resembles much the style of Gorreggio. Gaudini was held in such estimation by his townspeople, that he was com- missioned to complete the unfinished frescoes of Gorreggio in the cupola of the cathedral, but his own death in- tervened before the work was com- menced. The works undertaken by Gandini were most extensive. {Affo, Pungileoni.) GANDOLFI, Gaetano, ft. at San Matteo della Dedma, 1734, d. at Bo- logna, 1802. Bolognese SchooL The brother and pupil of Ubaldo Gandolfi;
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