Though we fly from vile aggression,
We'll maintain our pure profession—
Seek a peaceable possession,
Far from Gentiles and oppression.
We'd better live in tents and smoke,
Than wear the cursed Gentile yoke;
We'd better from our country fly,
Than by mobocracy to die.
Chorus.—Though we fly, etc.
We've left the City of Nauvoo,
And our beloved Temple too;
And to the wilderness we go,
Amid the winter frosts and snow.
Our homes were dear—we loved them well—
Beneath our roofs we fain would dwell,
And honor our great God's commands,
By mutual rights of Christian lands.
Our persecutors will not cease
Their murd'rous spoiling of our peace,
And have decreed that we shall go
To wilds where reeds and rushes grow.
The Camp, the Camp—its numbers swell—
Shout! shout! O Camp of Israel!
The King, the Lord of hosts is near,
His armies guard our front and rear.
West side of the Mississippi, Feb. 19th, 1846.