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Page:Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow monochrome.djvu/133

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The hour of intermission having arrived, the escort was re-formed; the Bishops collected the residents of their respective wards, and marched with them to the dinner tables, where thousands of Saints dined sumptuously on the products of the valley, judiciously and delicately prepared, and rendered delicious in connection with what foreign luxuries were obtained in exchange for staple articles, as flour, butter, potatoes, etc., from travelers to California. Several hundreds of those Gentile emigrants, who, en route to California, had stopped to recruit, partook of the social repast, as did also threescore of Indians. In proportion to the numbers, no celebration ever passed off with more eclat—no one has been conducted with more order, and no feast partaken of with better zest, with more mutual love and friendship, nor with hearts more filled to overflowing with gratitude to God for the outpouring of His blessings and for the manifestations of His overruling hand.



The Brethren covenant to help the poor out from Nauvoo.—Lorenzo called to obtain means.—The poverty and liberality of the Saints.—One offers his only cow.—Anecdote of Captain Brown.—Called on a mission to Italy.—Increase of family.—Weight of responsibility.—No time for preparation.—Company organized.—Letter to his Sister.—The Journey.—Wonderful manifestations of the hand of God.—Nauvoo.—Carthage.—Arrival in Liverpool.—Meets the brethren.

BEFORE the first companies of the Saints who were driven from Illinois left Nauvoo, the leading brethren entered into a solemn covenant they would not cease their exertions until all the Saints who had not the means, but were desirious[1] of moving to the location of the Church, should be assisted to do so. In connection with this, in his

  1. sic. desirous