Page:Biological Agents and Toxins Act 2005.pdf/28

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(a) he has an approval to possess the Second Schedule biological agent as referred to in section 15; and
(b) the transferee—
(i) has also been granted an approval to possess the Second Schedule biological agent as referred to in section 15; or
(ii) is outside Singapore.

(2) No person to whom any Second Schedule biological agent has been provided for any excluded purpose shall transfer the Second Schedule biological agent to any other person for any purpose unless the transferee—

(a) has been granted an approval to possess the Second Schedule biological agent as referred to in section 15; or
(b) is outside Singapore.

(3) Any transferor who transfers any Second Schedule biological agent to any transferee in Singapore, knowing or having reason to believe that such transferee does not have an approval to possess the Second Schedule biological agent as referred to in section 15, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both.

Notifications relating to transfers of Second Schedule biological agents

21.—(1) Any transferor who wishes to transfer any Second Schedule biological agent to a transferee shall notify —

(a) the Director of the proposed transfer within such time and in such form and manner as the Director may require;
(b) the transferee of an estimated time of receipt by the transferee of the biological agent being transferred; and
(c) the carrier of the biological agent (where he is not the transferor or transferee) prior to the despatch of the biological agent of a 24-hour emergency number that is monitored at all times by a person who—
(i) has knowledge of the hazards and characteristics of the biological agent being transported; or