Full-page Plates. ^.^,„„
I. | —Barn, Cliff, Bank, and Tree Swallows Frontispiece | |
II. | —Pied-billed Grebe | 2 |
III. | —Loon | 10 |
IV. | —Herring Gull; Petrels | 14 |
V. | —Wood Duck; Pintails; Mallards; Green-winged Teal;
14 |
VI. | —Little Green Heron; Black-crowned Night Heron; Great Blue Heron | 18 |
VII. | —American Bittern; Sora | 22 |
VIII. | —American Coot; Clapper Rail | 30 |
IX. | —Wilson's Snipe | 30 |
rn | —Example | p. |
— 30
X. — Common Tern; Semipalmated Sandpiper; Semipal-
mated Plover 34
XL— Spotted Sandpiper ; Killdeer 38
XIL— Ruffed Grouse 42
XIII.— Mourning Dove 46
XIV.— Red-shouldered Hawk . . . ... . .50
XV.— Marsh Hawk 52
XVI.— Sparrow Hawk 54
XVIL— Sharp-shinned Hawk 56
XVIII. — American Osprey 58
XIX.— Short-eared Owl 60
XX.— Screech Owl 62
XXL— Barred Owl 64
XXIL— Yellow-billed Cuckoo 66
XXIII.— Belted Kingfisher 68
XXIV.— Downy Woodpecker 70
XXV.— Red-headed Woodpecker 84
XXVI.— Flicker 86
XXVII.— Nighthawk ; Whip-poor-will 88
XXVIII.— Chimney Swift 90
XXIX.— Ruby-throated Hummingbird 92
XXX.— Kingbird 94
XXXI.— Crested Flycatcher 96
XXXII.— Phctbe 98
XXXIII.— Wood Pewee 100
XXXIV.-IIorned Lark 102
XXXV.— Baltimore Oriole 104
XXXVI.— Orchard Oriole 106
XXXVII.— Purple Grackle 108
XXXVIII.— Bobolink 110
XXXIX.— Meadowlark 112
XL.— Cowbird 114
XLI. — Song Sparrow 116
XLII. — Swamp Sparrow 118
XLIIL— Field Sparrow 120
XLI v.— Vesper Sparrow 122
XLV. — Chipping Sparrow 124
XLVI. — White-throated Sparrow 126
XLVII.— Fox Sparrow 128
XLVIII.— Junco 130
XLIX.— Tree Sparrow 132
L.— Redpoll; Snowflake 134
LI. — American Crossbill ; Pine Grosbeak .... 186
LIT. — American Goldfinch 138
LIIL— Purple Finch 140
LIV. — Rose-breasted Grosbeak 142
LV.— Towhee 144
LVI.— Dickeissel 146
LVIL— Cedar Waxwing 148
LVIIL— Northern Shrike 150
LIX. — Red-eyed Vireo ; Yellow-throated Vireo . . . 152
LX.— Black and White Warbler 154
LXI.— Myrtle Warbler ; Black-throated Green Warbler . 156
LXII.— Redstart 158
LXIII.— Oven-bird 160
LXIV.— Maryland Yellow-throat 162
LXV.— Yellow-breasted Chat 164
LXVI.— Mockingbird 166
LXVII.— Brown Thrasher 168
LXVIII.— House Wren 170
LXIX.— Long-billed Marsh Wren . . . . . .172
LXX. — Brown Creeper ; Chickadee 174
LXXL— Red-breasted Nuthatch ; White-breasted Nuthatch 176
LXXII. — Golden-crowned Kinglet ; Ruby-crowned Kinglet . 178
LXXIIL— Veery 180
LXXIV.— Wood Thrush 182
LXXV.— Hermit Thrush 184